Chapter 5

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Today for school I actually got up early. I was practicing like an actor rehearsing her lines. I really wanted my plan to be perfect.

All I need to do is befriend Andre so he could tell me everything about River.

I know it's bitchy to use a guy like that but I really don't give a shit. He was the one that bothered me so he took up the offer and just signed himself up.

I really do sound fucked up but when  have I ever cared about strangers feelings.

I went outside and sat on the porch. Then I just realized.....

What if Andre doesn't want to talk to me after the way I treated him.

I thought about it more then I just shrugged it off. They always come back for either way. 

I checked my phone and noticed I've been out here for 5 minutes. Since River is not going to make it I'll just walk alone.

I still had some time before the bell rings. So I decided to go to the bathroom to pamper myself one more time.

I never use the school bathroom unless it's an emergency. There is dirty children in the school and who knows what they do in the bathroom. So the only proper bathroom is the one for the staff.

When I walked inside the bathroom the only person their was Mia Summer. That's the cheerleader that River's been hanging out with. Looks like she's adding more makeup than needed.

I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair for the thousandth time. "Hey" her innocent voice spoke.

"Hi" I greeted. She not like the other cheerleaders. They also give disgusted looks to people who are 'lower' than them and just push you over.

"So, I've heard about you around school" she informed. Well it's not like I'm popular or anything. I'm just known.

"What are they saying? " I asked.

Why would the people around school talk about me of all people??!!!

"Well first your brave and I like your attitude. Also everyone is talking about the scene with you and Andre at lunch" she answered.

"Thanks, the Andre thing was just nothing" I brushed if off. "To be honest I really don't care about what others think about me" I added.

"I think your cool" she smiled. "We should hang out more".

"Sure it's not like I have anything better you do in my life" I said truthfully.

All the rumors say that Mia is the biggest bitch in the school. When she actually is a very nice person.

After first period I was tired as fuck. I literally took a nap through the whole lesson. I'm glad that its the first week because I can't do it any other day.

I opened my locker and looked into the little mirror that I have. My makeup was so killer that I couldn't believe I did it myself.

I closed my locker and saw Mia sprinting to me.

Why the fuck is she running in the halls? I just hope she doesn't fall or anything.

She hugged me and jumped around. Her face is beaming with excitement while I'm just straight up confused.

"Guess what,  Guess what, Guess what" she shouted.

"What happened?" I questioned.


I stood there in shock........


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