Chapter 39 - Trip to Milan

Start from the beginning

"Of course, love. How about we stay there for a few days? So, pack for five days. I'll grab your suitcase."

Kamea ran over to me and pulled me into a kiss. "Thank you, handsome. And I love you."

Kam's POV

Cris grabbed a suitcase for me and one for the kids. I picked out five days' worth of outfits for the three of us. Once I finished packing, he took the suitcases downstairs. My kids were already downstairs watching tv, so I joined them so Cris could pack his clothes.

"What movie are you watching, princess?"

"We are watching Toy Story with Jessie, mommy."

We sat and finished watching Toy Story. Once Cris came down, he packed his truck with our luggage.

"Día and Rocco, pick a few movies you can watch on our plane ride. Then, we will be ready to go."

"Okay, daddy."

They picked out a few movies. Cris then locked the house, and we made our way to the airport.

Our flight will take about ten and a half hours. And Miami is 6 hours behind Milan. So, when we get to Milan, it will be 1 am on Tuesday. Cris will probably have us wait until after the meeting to see Layla, which I am fine with. These two little munchkins inside of me are giving me fits.

While on our plane ride, I told Cris about Layla. "I am so glad you and Marco are going to help Layla with her business. It means a lot to me that you both are. We haven't seen her since high school. Layla was always the fashionable type. That is where we got it from. She always wanted to own her own business. I am so happy she achieved her dream. I will have to wait until after my pregnancy to buy some of her designs."

"Marco said Layla talked about expanding her locations to sell accessories, so maybe one day she may include maternity wear."

"You're right. Layla was an only child, so she was like a sister to Noeli and me. We had so much fun together. I miss the fun we used to have."

"Marco also said Layla has a five-year-old daughter, too."

"Same age as the twins."

"Ouch." Then I started rubbing my belly and talking to my babies. "Bella and Kekoa, please give mommy a break for a bit. Cris, I am going to lie down and try to get some sleep." I kissed him, then got up and went to the bedroom on the jet.


Time went by fast. Cris came back and said, "We have arrived safely in Milan. I'll wake the kids up."

Once I got up off the bed, I noticed princess and Rocco had fallen asleep on the couch that was in the room.

Cris was able to wake them up without any problems. So, then we made our way off the plane and in a limo towards our hotel.

While in the limo, Cris tells me, "The meeting with Layla will be at 1:30 pm. We will come back to the suite to come for you and the kids. Then, we will go celebrate and have dinner. Tomorrow, her boyfriend is going to propose to her at a photo shoot she has with Marco. And, he wants as many of Layla's family and friends there."

"I can't wait. Layla deserves it."

We pulled up to our hotel. We woke the kids up and got out of the limo. Cris went to the receptionist's desk to check us in while the three of us sat down on a bench.

"I'm sleepy, mommy."

"Me too, my little prince and princess." Cris came over with our room key, and we made our way toward the elevator.

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