Chapter 3: Encounter in Earlham forest

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Emilia is sent by her Mother to collect herbs in the Earlham forest.

(10 minutes later)

Emilia:" Nana, stay close to me, I don't want you to get lost."

Nana:" Yes sister."

Emilia:"Alright, it should be around here."

While Emilia was looking around, Nana saw a big box. She wondered what it was, she wanted to ask her sister but then thought that she was going to do nothing about it.

Emilia:" There they are!"

Nana saw the chance and started making her way to the giant box and then she stoped when she heard a sound coming from inside.

(Inside the Jäger)

"Hey, everyone, there's some thing nearby. Choco noticed them."

Lucas:" Who is it?"

Marco:" Well that person did told us something about defending ourselves."

Arran:"Could it be something that can kill us?"

"I don't know, let me see."

I tried looking around but what ever it was, was in a blindspot which of course there were plenty of.

"Pass me the MP 40."

Peter hands me the MP 40.

Lucas:"Did you see what it was?"

"No, I'm gonna go out, this is for precaution."

Peter:" I'm coming too."

"Ok, at the count of 3.1,2,3!"

We both opened the hatches at the same time and climbed out of the turret. We didn't see anything until we heard a cry, we started looking around and then saw this toddler. I'm assuming she was around 6 or 7,
She got louder and louder and then we heard some one shouting.

(Emilia's point of view)

I was cutting up the rosemaries free because there was other plants mangled with them when I heard Nana cries, I was confused because Nana was behind me and soon realized she was not there. I started running to where the cries were coming from, I then saw a giant metal box. What was it? I didn't have time to think about it when I saw Nana on the floor and 2 men in black clothes aproaching her.


Both men look towards me in surprise, I take out the knife that I had with me and stood in between them and Nana.

Emilia:" Don't you dare touch her, because if you do, I will make sure that both of you won't see the sun again!"

Man:"(Ma'am I think you have the wrong idea)."German

Emilia:"What are you saying? I can't understand you."

Man 2:"(Oh, right, diffrent language, I forgot)."

What were they saying? I haven't heard that language anywhere, but the thing is where ate they from, I've never seen such clothes.

Man:"Ok, sorry if we startled you but have the wrong idea."

Wait, I can understand them.

Emilia:" It didn't look like it to me, what were you gonna do to her?"

Man 2:" Listen Ma'am, we weren't trying to do anything to her. We were sleeping when our dog noticed her and started growling."

Dog? What is that? And why were they resting in the forest? When I was thinking about this, i saw 3 other men come out from the giant box.

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