Chapter 6: Urban combat

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Soldier:"Sir, we have breached their gate and we have begun deploying our mobile cannons."

General Kraos:" I knew they would be no match for our new weapon, a cannon on a cart that does not need a beast to move."

Although we couldn't mount a bigger cannon due to the recoil destroying itself, the ones we could mount could go through a plate of iron 25 mm thick. We use 4 people to make it move, it's quite mobile due to the low wheight.

Kraos:" heh, I can already see them surrendering and begging for their lives."

(Inside the walls of Waltzington)


Why do they have panzers? It should be impossible for them to make them, nevertheless mass build them.

"Get to the Jäger! We need to go into urban combat!"

We ran all the way back to the middle of the city, we could hear them firing. We got on to our designated spots, Marco at the wheel, Lucas on the MG 34, Arran as the loader, Peter manning the 88mm kwk 43 L/71 and me as the Kommandant.

"Marco step on it!"

The engine roared and sped down the road.

Marco:" 12 o'clock! 3 Enemy panzers!"

"Halt! Diamond position!"

The Tiger veered of to the left before skidding to a stop.

"Peter! Far left!"

The turret rotated to left and aimed in.


Boom! Shink!
The shell roared through the air to its target, it went right through the upper front part of its structure. A few moments later it exploded into a ball of fire.


The other 2 realizing that one of them is no longer existing, turn and aim at the Jäger.


Arran:"Loaded AP!"


Boom! Shink!
The shell hit its mark by going in through the barrel of the cannon, pushing the entire gun inside of the compartment. The 3rd manages to aim and fire, and makes contact with the Tiger.

The small caliber ball ricochets off the side and hits the floor due to a massive Loss of energy.

Lucas:"Haven't heard that sound in a while!"

When the enemy panzer see their shot bounce, they start backing behind a building.

"You ain't going anywhere, Marco, forward."

The Tiger cuts the distance and stops in front of the alley that the others had gone through , which they were still in the process of.


The panzer  bursted into flames from having its gunpowder ignited, leaving it as a smoldering wreck.

Peter:" Got em! Finn, find us another target!"

(Valkarian camp)

Kraos:" According to plan, they should have captured the public square at the core of the city."


Kraos:" ah, Have you captured the public square?"

Soldier:" No,sir!"

Kraos:"What? What's taking y'all so long? You have the mobile cannons! You should had captured it with ease!"

Soldier:"About that sir, all of the 3 mobile cannons that have entered the city have been destroyed."

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