Arc 3, Chapter 9: Operation Blind Citadel Part 1.

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A large crowd a people had gathered for the upcoming event, guards stood around the edges keeping watch and street vendors were about. Sierra looked out the window from within the parliament building, made sure her dress was tidy while going over her speech.

Knock knock

A knock came from the other side of the door, Sierra went to the door and unlocked it, Chelsea and Emil stood in front of the door.

Chelsea: Its time your highness.

Sierra grabbed the papers for her speech and took a deep breath and exhaled, then began walking out of the room. Chelsea and Emil escorted her towards the park in front of the parliament building, while en route, they saw Vincent speaking with one of the guards.

As they got closer, Vincent noticed them and dismissed the guard and began approaching them.

Vincent: This is certainly a surprise, I wasn't informed that you were gonna be here Emil.

Emil: Well I'm here now.

Vincent: Still as friendly as ever, where is the rest of your crew?

Emil: They are doing their own thing.

Vincent: I see, well I should be on my way, keep her safe for me.

Vincent turned and walked down the hallway, then disappeared around a corner.

Sierra had a strange feeling, but then decided to ignore it and continued to walk down the hallway.

Emil pulled out a blue stone which began to softly glow.

Emil: Positions check.

Krueger: In position at Apples.

Joseph: We are at point Butters.

Emil: Confirmed, moving to Charlie. We are ready your highness.

Sierra: Thank you Emil.

Sierra took a deep breath and nodded to Chelsea to open the door, ahead was a podium at the top of stairs and beyond the stairs was a makeshift wall with a big crowd standing behind it. Sierra stepped forward with Emil and Chelsea at her sides.


Guard 1: This place is getting colder every day, when are they going to give us more cloaks?

Guard 2: Probably about the end of this week, the cold is not that bad.

Guard 1: Easy for you to say, you're from the north, hey lieutenant, when are we getting more stuff?

Lt. Chambers: The prince will be here today, I'll ask him to confirm. Pretend to be busy until then, I don't want to write anyone up.

Guard 1: Yes sir.

Chambers walked to and leaned up against the wall, air was fresh and the wind wasn't too strong. He looked out towards the tree line, He noticed a flock of birds fly from the woods.

He raised his eyebrow in confusion, the birds should had already gone to sleep for winter now.


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