Arc 2. Chapter 2, Machine vs beast

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"This is bad."

Luna: Its a category 4....

Molotov: Well are we just gonna stand here and let that thing eat us?


Ga1ahad: It would seem that he has noticed us.

I looked around the area and it was all plains, small bushes and a rock. Then I had an idea, the rock was of decent size enough to cover the Moskva.

"Molotov, get the Moskva to that rock. We are gonna get it's attention."

Molotov: Sounds good to me.

"Marco, get driving."

Marco: On it.

"Hold on to something."

We drove off the road away from the ravines while the dragon finished crawling out.

"Halt! Aim the gun at it face Peter!"

Peter: Jawohl Kommandant!


Boom! Shink!

The 88mm shell flew at its target for 3 seconds and upon contact with the area above the left eye it caused parks and went flying towards the sky.

Peter: Querschläger!

"You serious?"

Peter: Did you not see it bounce off?!

After the first shell bounced off, the thing seemed surprised and annoyed.

"Load the next!"


As the thing looked at us, it failed to know about the Moskva shooting a HE round with its 122mm gun.

Molotov:*Bzzt. Although the 122mm lacks accuracy and low shell velocity, it does pack a punch against big targets.

"You Russians do love big caliber guns don't ya?"

Molotov:Enough chattering how do we kill this thing?

Ga1ahad: It would usually take a whole army to just ground it, but the fire power you have could be enough to make it go away entirely.

"How do we do that?"

Ga1ahad: Do enough damage at its soft spots such as the eyes or  its kerosene glands it's got around the traquea.

"Molotov, aim for the jaw. We'll go for the eyes."

Molotov:Got it.

"Arran, Load APCR."

Arran: APCR loaded.


Boom! Shink!

The thing only had a second to react and just barely avoided the shell.

"It's a miss, reload!"

As it looked at us, it got hit by the Moskva and was now really pissed. It reached for the ground and scoped up some of the ground with it claw and looked at us.

"That looks bad."

The thing prepared it's arm and launched its payload in our direction.

"Get us on reverse Marco!!"

The Maybach HL230 engine immediately did as it was told by the driver and as it was reversing it managed to move out of the way of boulder that could had smashed the turret in. The debris that would normally be harmless became something comparable to machine gun fire that would not spare a life.

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