Glowing Up

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3 Month Summer Glow Up Challenge....
- Drink only water
- Nail care everyday (except for clipping)
- Keep hair moisturized
- Keep a consistent
- Work out for at least 30 everyday
- Body butter everyday

Summer Glow Up
- Start a skin care routine
- Gradually start eating heathy
- Maintain soft and heathy hands + feet
- Speak positive
- Give yourself some love
- Cut off communication with toxic people
- Wear clothes that make you feel good
- Get a good nights rest
- Gt out of the house more and into the sun (don't forget sunscreen)

Mental Glow Up
- Don't be afraid to try new things
- Love and accept every inch of yourself, your me perfect the way you are
- Get out of your comfort zone
- Always be thankful
- Do your best in everything
- Believe you are good enough because you are
- Focus on yourself
- Don't settle for less
- Be open to change
- Don't bottle up your feelings
- Put your life and needs before boys
- Smile
- Surround yourself with good people
- Have short term and long term goals
- Do what you love often
- Say no when you want to
- Get to know yourself
- Always be yourself
- Don't be afraid to say what you think

Emotional Glow Up
- Don't get jealous if you see your ex with someone new or if your BFF starts hangout out with someone that you don't like. Focus on you and your goals.
- Keep a journal, update it, share your thoughts.
- Focus on yourself. Do everything and anything to achieve your goal. Don't let toxic people poison your life.

Confidence Glow Up
- Never hate on another girl. Jealousy is never a good look.
- Pamper yourself.
- Get your nails and hair done.
- Don't give a fuck about someone's negative opinions.
- Never apologize for loving yourself.
- Dress up in something that makes you feel good. Don't dress to impress others.
- Remember you should only be in competition with yourself.
- Be positive.
- Remember Your you for a reason.
- If you want to wear makeup where it.
- Love yourself.
- Keep your head up high.

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