Flat Tummy

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- Avoid teas like "Flat Tummy Tea"
- Do ball exercises 3x a week)
- Eat as close to 0 grams of sugar as possible
- Chew food until it's like applesauce in your mouth
- Laugh, every time you you smile it tightens your abs
- Planks work better than crunches
- Put some ACV in your water bottle
- Drink green tea
- Get enough sleep
- Avoid fried foods
- Avoid over stressing
- Stay away from dietary supplements unless under supervision from a doctor
- Drink water when you wake up in the morning and during meals
- Drink half your weight
- Don't starve yourself
- Avoid alcohol
- Manage your portion size
- Avoid soda
- It's ok to have heathy snacks throughout the day
- Stop dieting and eat heathy, eat clean
- Exercise
- Do tummy workouts

From chapter "Foods" to this chapter I also have a board on Pinterest dedicated to weight los called "Exercises and Heathy Foods + Drinks" and my username is haileyl91215

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