Keep Him If He Does Any Of These

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- Cares for you
- Makes sure you're ok
- Spends time with you
- Appreciates you
- Respects you
- Let's you know he loves you
- Shows you he loves you
- You guys get along
- Puts you before the guys
- Gives you compliments
- Doesn't flirt with other girls
- Puts in time and effort
- Supports you
- Helps you
- Is there for you
- Pushes you to do better
- Doesn't give up on you
- Let's you have time alone if needed
- Only has eyes for you
- Doesn't let you go to bed upset

Just if he cares about you and love you as well as shows it and lets you know he's a keeper. Yes you guys will argue and disagree at some points but that consists of a heathy relationship. Make sure you do the same for him though. Never let jealousy come between you guys, work it out.

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