Life Hacks

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1.) On you can get a free subscription to Netflix or Spotify simply by putting a sticker on your laptop.

2.) Exhale when your left foot hits the ground to avoid a cramp while running.

3.) Put a hot spoon on a big bite to stop the itching.

4.) After a job interview if asked "Do you have any questions?" always ask "Yes, is there anything about my application that concerns you?"

5.) A handicapped parking spot needs to have a a sign to be valid. If it's a wheel chair painted on the ground you can legally park there.

6.) If you're embarrassed when buying something, buy a birthday card with it.

7.) Need to remember to take something with you? put it in your shoes so you can't leave without it.

8.) Put a small trash can with a lid at the passenger seat of your car so there isn't trash laying around.

9.) On you can get really cool things for almost nothing.

10.) On you can play almost every Nintendo game.

11.) Chewing the same flavor gum when taking a test as you did when studying will improve your memory.

12.) When you have a bad sore throat eat marshmallows.

13.) If you're going out tape your third toe to your fourth toe, it stops a nerve transmitting and no more pain in the ball of your foot.

14.) If you're at a hotel that uses a Nokia Tv system, enter 2-2-1-down arrow-and hold "ok" on the remote to access free movies.

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