Relationship Tips

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- Never stay if there is any abuse under no circumstances
- Don't lie
- Value yourself
- Don't let your partner walk all over you
- Stand your ground
- Be straightforward
- Don't let them make you go farther then you want to go
- Don't expect them to spoil you and pay for everything
- Stop letting social media make you feel unwanted
- Don't be controlling
- Communication is key
- Don't let people get between you and your partner
- Be understanding
- Support them
- Be there for them
- Compliment each other
- Have faith
- Arguments are normal
- Don't force a vibe
- Don't rush into anything
- Feel comfortable
- Have date nights
- Take space from each other
- Make sure you treat each other with respect
- Let love come naturally
- Stop searching
- Be patient
- Love them for them

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