Stuff Everyone Should Know

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- Always have a water bottle in your car.
- Carry a lighter. (Even if you don't smoke.)
- Order something new at a place you normally eat at.
- Make a budget for yourself.
- If your texting someone and too scared to send the text just send it.
- Go to plenty of concerts
- Always keep a change of clothes in your car including shoes.
- Keep at least $20 emergency money with you.
- It's ok to be sad.
- If you think something is cute, wear it. Who cares what anyone else thinks.
- Sex stores are fun even if you just want a laugh. (I've never been so I don't know.)
- Drink plenty of water.
- You're allowed to be happy.
- Make the first move if they're too scared to even if your scared yourself. It'll pay off.
- Take plenty of pictures.
- Stay in contact with your parents.

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