Getting Over That Ex

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Getting over exes are hard. Believe me I know. It takes a while. Allow yourself to cry and talk to someone about it, don't hold it all in, it'll only make it worse. It's going to hurt like hell but you'll make it through. Just think, once less heartbreak until you find the right man.

- Try not to think about him
- Don't talk about him
- Forget about him (it's hard but it'll be ok in the end)
- Glo up
- When you see old photos of him or you guys together tell yourself that it's all done with and delete them.
- Don't try and relive the memory
- Talk to family or friends about how you feel
- Don't be afraid to cry and scream
- Block them on all of social media
- Don't ask how he's doing
- Don't stalk him
- Delete ALL pictures and messages you have
- Pamper yourself and look your best
- Let him know what he lost, but don't ever take him back
- Once you're over him get back out there

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