Best Girlfriend

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How To Be a great girlfriend can be hard sometimes so here are some ways to up your game.

- Compliment him
- Spoil him
- Cuddle and play with his hair
- Massages
- Holding hands
- Cheek and forehead kisses
- Post him as your MCE (only if you do those)
- Take him out to movies, restaurants, sport games
- Make sure he looks good
- Buy him stuff like new clothes, food, video games
- If you guys have sex then tease him don't be afraid to ask him for sex, give him hickeys, call him whatever name he likes and do what he likes
- When with his parents be respectful, dress appropriately, have your best manners, and try to get his mom to like you

Girls if you're single don't rush into love, just let love find you. You'll find Mr. Right someday.

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