21: Laser Tagging!

Start from the beginning

I stared at him, "Lonely, I'm so lonely." I squeaked in a weird voice before breaking out into a grin.

He tossed his head back and laughed. "Oh my god, I watch those types of vines all of the time!"

I laughed along with him before speaking up. "Are you lads done rehearsing yet?" I asked.

He nodded. "We actually have a lot of time 'til the concert. The concert is at 7PM and it's 3PM right now. Let's go talk to the others." he stated.

I hummed in agreement as he spoke up again. "Come with me."

I raised an eyebrow.

Time to tease the Payno!

"Mmm... No!" I replied, smirking.

"Mmm... Yes!" he replied.





"Fine?" I replied, suddenly confused.

He laughed before speaking up. "Ha! You said fine! Come here!"

Without warning, Liam tossed me over his shoulder and gripped my knees. It's like I weigh nothing!

"Liam! Put me down!" I yelled.

"No can do, Love!" he replied before chuckling lowly.

I sighed and realized that he isn't going to let go of me anytime soon.

"Hey, Liam. And... Jade." Niall said as Liam walked up the stairs and to the stage.

"Hi! Can you tell Mr Buff, over here, to put me down." I complained.

"Nope." Louis commented as the boys laughed at my helplessness.

"Louis, you better watch that pretty ass of yours." I warned.

"Already do, it's better than yours." he replied. The boys made an 'ooh' sound and I smacked Liam's back.

"Liam, let me down before I murder you!" I threatened.

He shrugged and put me down. Almost immediately, I jumped at Liam and started smacking him wherever I could.

"You... Jerk... I... Will... Hurt... You... So... Bad!" I said through gritted teeth and numerous playful, but effective, smacks.

I felt a pair of arms pull me back and I kicked and struggled to make them let go.

"Freaking... let... go." I said in a abnormally calm tone.

"Jade, Love, I know that Liam's a jerk," Harry's smooth voice calmed me. "But I think you should be killing Louis right now."

Liam looked at me like a scared puppy and I almost felt bad.


"Wow, feisty one she is!" Liam commented as I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly, I realized what Harry said and I couldn't agree more.

"Louis FREAKING Tomlinson. You will be lucky if Eleanor gets to see that ass after today." I said menacingly as the rest of the boys laughed.

"You go, Jade!" Zayn cheered me on.

Suddenly, Harry let me go. I literally pounced on Louis and messed up his hair.

"Aye! Not the hair! It took me forever to style it!" Louis cried.

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