(9) Pt. 2 Where the Secrets Hide.

Start from the beginning

She dismissed the thought and began looking at her body, the chains were off her legs and she could move freely, despite the fuzzy feeling inside her unused limbs.

The guard man, had a mask over his face and was wearing all black, he held his exposed hand out to her. She took it but let go as the man begun to scream and fall to the floor. He started twitching and violently convulsing. Ava just stared at the man in wonder.

"Holy Hell. Come untie me get his keys!" the old man whispered.

Ava stood where she was looking down at the guard petrified. His hand looked like it had been through a fire- burnt and bubbled. His whole body resembled, at least the exposed parts.

"Hurry up before someone finds out he's dead." his voice was urgent.

"He-he-he's dead?" Ava stuttered.

"No he is sleeping! Of course he is dead, untie me- do not touch my skin." the old man commanded.

Ava grabbed the keys shakily and untied the man's rope and unlocked the chains cautiously. The man stood up and walked to the cell door and opened it. "Come on twit, let's get out of here." the old man cheered, motioning Ava to hurry.

Ava nodded, then began to follow the old man. They stepped out into the long hallway of cells, she looked at the sign next to her door labeled, H5-20897. She shook her head and began following the old man to a beaten down red elevator.

The old guy pressed a button and the doors opened. The two climbed in quickly before another button was pushed and they were quickly going upwards. Ava closed her eyes tightly, afraid of the speed they were going.

"We have to get out of here." the old man muttered to himself.

"Where exactly are we?" Ava asked confused.

The man laughed a cruel malicious laugh and turned to Ava, "Sweetie we are in Hell."

"I call B.S." Ava said calmly her eyes still shut tightly.

"B.S?" he questioned.

"Bull Shit." she laughed at the old man for not knowing what it meant but quit when the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened.

"There it is! There's the portal!" the man spoke happily.

There was a large purple circle of light in front of them. It radiated no noise whatsoever. The old man ran right in front of it and screamed to Ava, "Repeat exactly what I say when you go through. Got it?"

Ava smiled in response and watched as the man jumped through and screamed, "Human world! America! New York, New York!"

As soon as he jumped in a loud siren went off and people ran out of random doors trying to stop Ava. She ran to the portal and repeated the words the man said quietly so they wouldn't find her. Her body was sucked through.

Instantaneously she was spit back out from a few feet above the ground in a huge park. It was night dark, damp, and chilly. No one was out accept Ava.

"Twit! Come towards the black van!" the rude old man's voice whisper-yelled.

Ava looked around quickly scanning the park for the van. When her eyes landed on it, she ran. The door opened and she climbed in. The car engine sped up then Ava asked, "What the Hell just happened? What was that? How did you get a car so fast? I swear this is the freakiest dream I've ever had!"

The old man laughed and began, "Well you escaped from Hell. That was a portal; a door into other realms. I can stop time if I am alert enough. Oh, and your not in a dream."

Ava started laughing, so hard in fact a few tears escaped her eyes, "Your good. I almost believed you old man."

The car grew silent. Ava casually looked out of the passenger's window, glancing at the passing buildings.

"Why don't you believe me?" the old man asked keeping his eyes on the empty road pressing the gas pedal with extreme urgency.

The sudden acceleration of the car had pushed Ava to the back of her seat, in turn causing her to scream bloody hell.

"Shit! Were being followed! That was faster than I thought. Shit! Ava, there is a... Shit! There's a gun under your seat. Get it, climb to the..." he was screaming to Ava as gunshots erupted causing the car to swerve violently down an empty road, "Back and open the window shoot the nearest driver and then shoot the rest. Shit! There's five cars. Hurry Ava!"

Ava scrambled to get the gun with trembling hands and climbed into the back. The car swerved again and Ava was thrown against the door opposite of where she was.

"Shit!" Ava screamed opening the window, while the car swerved again.

Ava squeezed her upper body through the window, pointed her gun and shot at the nearest driver. It hit him right in between the eyes. The man's head whipped back against his seat and blood spewed from his wound.

Ava became emotionless as she watched the man's truck crash into a building while starting a fire.


Another black car appeared, and had crashed into the car that was halfway lodged into the burning building then half way onto the road. Ava began to smirk, but it washed away when two more black cars turned the corner and caused her to frown.

The two men pointed there guns at her and pulled the trigger. The bullets both crashed into either of her shoulders. Ava smirked, she didn't even feel the pain! Ava looked at where the bullets were supposed to hit her, she realized there was no blood. Both of the car drivers gawked at Ava momentarily, then Ava shot the last two directly in there hearts.

"Stop staring and drive! Dammit!" Ava screamed in the old man's direction, while she clambered back through the window.

Ava slipped into the front seat again. She rested her head against the window and closed her eyes trying to relax. Suddenly she perked up and screamed, "Holy shit! I was shot a minute ago. Those were some kick-ass instincts! Did you see that old man I just... Oh my god, I just killed people..."

The old man rolled his eyes and stopped the car in an alley. "Please refrain from your incessant blabbering, let me pause time so I can explain to you everything." he looked at Ava sitting against the van, she nodded.

He fell to the ground, his legs crossed and started mumbling. Ava stared at him curiously, then rolled her eyes and leaned again the car again.

"I can't believe I killed people..." she thought silently.

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