ᴛʀᴇɴᴛᴀ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

Start from the beginning

Rapidly wrapping one of the throws around Acer's abdomen, I whispered in his ear.

"I'll be back in two minutes, stay as still as possible." And with that, I rushed towards the direction of the kitchen, without waiting to hear his reply.

Messily hunting through the cabinets of the kitchen I finally found a sewing kit.

Thank God. This will have to suffice, it is better than nothing. I thought, whilst blowing out a shaky breath of relief.

Gathering the supplies, I dashed back into the lounge area. Thankfully finding Acer and nobody else present in the grand vicinity. Rushing back towards where Acer was currently situated, I yanked open the sewing kit and grabbed the necessary things.

Licking the end of the thread with the tip of my tongue, I concentrated on feeding it through the loop of the needle. I failed a few times, due to my hands shaking like a leaf. But, assuringly it went through at last.

"Acer, I need to stitch up your wound to relieve the bleeding. I have no way in being able to get my hands upon any anaesthetics or numbing appliances, so it is going to hurt. But, don't worry, just take deep breaths and focus on something happy.

Just think about the stars and focus on how bright they shine, even if they dimmer over time, they never fully burn out or disappear, they are always there. Focus on that." I told him, whilst kissing his forehead, Katy used to do this to me every night before I slept, it relaxed me and assured me that things will work out in the end.

He seemed to have relaxed slightly, resting his eyelids by sealing them shut. Grabbing a hold of the punctured skin I gently thread the needle threw it, pulling it tight to seal the incision shut. Glancing up at Acer to see if he is okay, I observe that his eyes are still closed, however, he is squeezing them shut tightly. Demonstrating how much pain he is in, but he is trying to subdue it.

I continued to thread the needle back and forth until his skin was sealed shut, tightly. It was the best that I could do, it wasn't perfect. It was jagged and a bit untidy in some places, but it stopped the bleeding. I mean, I am not medically trained, so I don't know how to do it as specialised as the professionals do.

I once again glanced up at Acer and saw that his breathing had calmed down. He looked so peaceful, right now. He needs a lot of rest, for it to heal correctly. When I was in the kitchen I also grabbed some spirits to disinfect the wound and a gauze. Shakily, I poured some of the alcoholic spirit onto Acer's sawn up wound, it caused him to open his eyes wide, gasping.

"Ow, fuck that hurts." He complained, a pain-stricken expression was situated upon his face.

"I know, but it needs to be done otherwise it could lead to it getting infected. It could lead to sepsis and you, nor I don't want that to happen." I argued, a serious expression adorning my face. Trying to show him how serious this situation that he is in is.

Nodding his head slowly he relaxes again, unwillingly. Finishing disinfecting the wound, I carefully placed the gauze over it, to prevent the stitches from getting caught on anything or ripping.

Acer still looked pessimistically pale. It caused me to wonder whether he did have any internal damage? And if he did. What would I be able to do about it? I know that I wouldn't be able to do anything, he would require surgery by a professional. And I am certainly not a surgeon for Christ's sake. I thought, worriedly chewing upon my bottom lip.

Standing up, I lifted Acer's head and placed into my lap, to try and bring him a sense of comfort. I lovingly stroked his hair and eyebrows, he snuggled his face into my palm. It brought a small smile onto my face.

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