ᴠᴇɴᴛɪɴᴏᴠᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

Start from the beginning

"You were shot?" I questioned, alerted. My eyes wide in shock and fear.

"Hmm, I guess your boyfriend doesn't make friends easily, huh?" He spat out, but in a humorous way. It amazed me how he was still able to crack jokes when he was just tortured to the edge of death. His personality was still there, he was still there. He wasn't gone yet or corrupted. It gave me some hope, maybe I could save him.

"You continue to amaze me, Acer. You have just been tortured along with being shot if you were anybody else you would have been either screaming in pain or dead." I stated, admired by the strength of his will.

"Well, I guess you can say that I am not like everybody else. I am unique." He replied, with a hint of cockiness. He managed to crack a small smile and chuckled but is halted when he hissed in pain. The expression upon his face was heartbreaking, he should never have had to experience this agony. He is so good, pure.

He doesn't deserve to suffer the wrath of him. It should be the other way around. But, I just knew that Acer wouldn't harm a fly, he was too kind and generous of a person. He was the epitome of perfect.

A tear slides down my face, but I managed to fake a smile for him.

"You are perfect." I whispered, my heart aching.

"Ha, I am far from perfect, Nia." He strained. The nickname made my heart flutter. My eyes moved back down to his side, a gasp escaped my lips. His hands were smothered in the blood off of his bullet wound. I pushed myself to crawl towards him, my leg still scarcely throbbing. But that's nothing, I am overreacting, I need to ignore it for Acer. To help Acer, he was my number one priority.

"Here, let me help. You need to stop the bleeding." I panicked, ripping off the bottom of my shirt and wrapping it tightly around his abdomen. The crimson liquid transferred onto my hands, where it should be. His blood is on my hands and I would have to live with that for the rest of my life.

"You are going to be okay." I insisted, trying to assure him, but also trying to assure myself.

"You and I both know that - Taking a deep breath.

- that isn't true." He faintly mumbled. His eyes were beginning to flutter closed, from the amount of blood that he has lost.

"No. No! Stay with me, Acer! Don't give up, you are stronger than this!" I prodded him, desperately. I checked his pulse, it was faint, but it was still there.

I observed the room quickly trying to find anything, anything that could help him. But, nothing was there. I felt eyes on me, I glanced down at Acer's head that was currently cradled within my lap. But, his eyes were sealed shut, unmoving. It was as if he was watching this happen, knowing that it would be my fault if Acer died. He wanted to break me, and he knew that I couldn't handle somebody else's death on my conscience. He was taunting me. Watching me crumble.

I glanced down at Acer, still applying a fierce amount of pressure onto his abdomen. Tears were pouring down my face, I was so scared. But, it must be nothing compared to how Acer is feeling right now.

"Acer!" I shook him gently. Praying that he would just open his eyes.

"Please Acer, Please. Just open your eyes, please. I beg you. Please. Or squeeze my hand... just let me know that you are okay." I begged, hysterically. I must have looked so un- lady like right now, with snot running out of my nose. But, I couldn't give a shit. I need to do something.

"Come on, Valentinia think. Think!" I said to myself, whilst slapping myself in the head.

"Tia?" I heard a voice rasp out. I immediately looked down and I released a breath of relief, as I saw Acer's eyes peel open ever so slightly.

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