e i g h t | MYKEL

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O N E    W E E K    B E F O R E     T H E    P R O P O S A L


"When are you never over working yourself?" Jonah questions as she places her young toddler into a seat at the kitchen table

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"When are you never over working yourself?" Jonah questions as she places her young toddler into a seat at the kitchen table.

"I'm not over working myself." Eden defends as she balances her laptop in one hand, a box of animal crackers in the other, and her phone places between her ear and shoulder.

"Yeah, sure. Who are you on the phone with anyways?" Jonah asks as she takes the box from Eden and sits beside her five year old, Mykel.

"The florist, I need to order 100 roses for Mathews proposal." Eden sighs as she was put on hold once again.

"Why are you putting so much time and money into this proposal? It's not even for you, which it should be, but anyways that's beside the point. The point is that you need to tone it down a bit, this is Mathew and Isa, not Mathew, Isa, and Eden!" Jonah states. Jonah then turns back over to her son and hands her an animal cracker.

"Can you say auntie Eden is stupid?" Jonah questions Mykel.

"Awntie Edwn is Stwpid!" Mykel says with confidence.

Eden just rolls her eyes, "This might not be my proposal, but this is exactly how i'd want mine to go if I was getting proposed to. And this is Mathew we're talking about, he's my best friend, I'd do anything for him." Eden states.

"Anything?" Jonah asks, and Eden nods her head yes.

"Then why didn't you give him a second chance?" 

Eden paused and opened her mouth to say something, but no word ever left her. Before Eden could reply, the florist finally picked up.

"Oh Hi! Yes, I'm looking to order around 100 roses by next friday, is that possible?" Eden says as she walks away from the kitchen.

Jonah sighs as she watches Eden leave her behind, totally empty handed.

"Mama?" Baby Mykel questions.

"Yes baby?" 

"Is awntie Edwn Gwonna be okway?" 

"I don't know baby, we'll see."

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