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M O R N I N G 


"Hey, Mats, wake up

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"Hey, Mats, wake up." Eden says as she slips on her windbreaker.

Eden has been a wake for a while, but decided to let Mathew sleep for a while longer.

"Huh? I don't want to." Mathew says as she shoes his face further into the pillow.

"You've got practice in half an hour Matts, and I'm pretty sure Anthony is awake by now." Eden says with a slight chuckle. 

Eden then makes her over to her shoes and slips them on. Once they were on, she looks up to cheek on Mathew and finds him sitting up leaning against the headboard.

Eden's breath then gets caught in her throat as she stares at the man in her bed. She watches and Mathew's eyes are closed and his bare chest heaves up and down in a slow pattern. His messy hair looks almost perfect for just waking up.

"God damn." Eden says under her breath.

"What you say?" Mathew asks as he opens up one of his eyes.

"Uh, I said I'm heading across the street to the Starbucks to get something to eat and get some work done. I'l see you later." Eden says as she slings her backpack on and heads out the door.


Eden can't concentrate on her work at all. As cheese as it sounds, Mathew is still on her mind. She can't help but feel that she misses him.

Eden stares a the half finished repot she wrote, but she cant find herself finishing it. With a sigh, Eden decides to close her laptop and put it away in her bag, just as she was gonna get up from her seat, someone stands in front of her.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" A man asks from in front of Eden. Eden pauses to take a good look at him.

Not bad at all  Eden thinks to herself.

"No go right a head, I need to get going pretty soon." Eden says staring at the man as he takes a seat in front of her.

"Aw that sucks, I wanted to get to know you. I'm Jayden by the way." Jayden says to Eden throwing her one of his award winning smiles. Eden quickly gets lost in his smile.

"I'm E-" But before she can even finish her sentence, Mathew is standing behind Jayden and Anthony and Shane were ordering their drinks while watching from afar. 

"Eden, you ready to go? We've got practice in a few, I'll give you a ride." Mathew says and Eden glares at the boy.

"Sure. Uh, I'll see you around Jayden." Eden says.

"Yeah, for sure." Jayden says as Eden gets up from her seat and walks towards Mathew.

"You're an asshole." Eden says as Mathew Wraps his arm around her shoulders and the two make their way over to their friends.

"No I'm not, I'm your saviour." Mathew says causing Eden to shove his arm off of her.

"Whatever." Eden says as she reaches the other goons.

"So, who was that guy?" Shane asks once Eden and Mathew reached them.

"No one."

"He looks like a bitch." 

Eden then glares at Mathew's response.

"What?" Mathew asks.

"Order for Shane and Tony!" A barista says and Anthony goes and grabs the orders.

"Let's get out of here." Mathew says once Anthony rejoined the group.

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