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Weddings always make Eden cry. Today's wedding was no exception. Eden would never think that this day would come. The day her best friend gets married.

Eden balls her eyes out as she watches her best friend. She stands with all the bridesmaids and watches as her best friend kisses their lover.

"You okay?" Jonah whispers into Eden's ear.

"Huh? Uh yeah, I'm doing great. I'll be fine." Eden says back to Jonah.

Mathew and his wife, Isa, pull away from their kiss and everyone claps. Mathew then shoots Eden a warm smile as him and his wife make their way down the isle, and out the Church.

Eden can't tell if she's crying tears of joy, or if she's crying tears of sadness. Eden wonders how she's even got to this point.

How did she become the bridesmaid to her Ex's wife? And to add onto that, she's still in love with Mathew.

Eden wipes away the last tears that found their way onto her cheeks.

"Come on, let's get the after party over with so we can get the fuck out of here." Jonah says with a sigh as she guides Eden out of the place.

"Jonah, do you think he made a mistake? Do you think he should be with me?" Eden asks her friend truthfully.

"Honey, I know for a fact he just made the second biggest mistake of his life." Jonah states.

"What's the first?"

"Making that stupid breakup contract and keeping you away."




This story explores how Eden and Mathew keep missing each other, and how they never ended up together.

Eden and Mathew learned that the first contract kept them away from each other more than it brought them together. So when the two decided to break up, Mathew created the Break Up contract.





Mathew and Eden will act as if they've never dated.

Mathew and Eden will be civil.

If asked how they broke up, they will say the truth.

Contract ends when either person gets married.


The Break Up Contract | Mathew Barzal SequelWhere stories live. Discover now