f i v e | MOVIE

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T H E    R O A D  T R I P


"Eds! You're on this trip?" Anthony asks Eden as she steps onto the bus

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"Eds! You're on this trip?" Anthony asks Eden as she steps onto the bus.

"Yeah, kinda last minute decision." Eden says as she sips her coffee.

"You're finally coming on a road trip, it's about time." Shane says as he takes his seat beside Anthony.

"I hate this." Eden says clearly still tired making Shane and Anthony chuckle.

"Eds come sit with me." Mathew says as she pats the seat beside him.

"Okay hold this." Eden says as she hands Mathew her coffee as she places her bag I. The over head carrier.

Eden then gracefully situates herself beside her ex and cuddles into her thick winter coat.

"Want to watch a movie?" Mathew asks as he pulls up Netflix on his laptop.

"Is that even a question?" Eden asks as she pushes back the arm rest in between them and Mathew places the laptop on the mini table.

Mathew then plugs in his earbuds and hands one to Eden as she makes herself comfy. After picking a movie, Mathew wraps his arm around Eden's shoulder and she snuggles into his shoulder.

Anthony and Sane watch as their two friends act as if they've never broken up.

"What are they doing?" Anthony questions to Shane.

"I have no clue." Shane says as he notices Eden's eyes begin to shut.

"Are they back together again?" Anthony says as he watches Mathew make sure Eden is warm by draping his own jacket over the girl.

"I have no clue." Shane replies once again.

"Do you think they're gonna get back together?"

"Of course they will." 


A T   T H E   H O T E L 

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