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T H E   B R E A K U P


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Eden and Jonah have just finished up their second dress appointment. The two are now walking side by side down the street to get to their car. Eden is holding up her bridesmaid dress as Jonah is sipping from her coffee.

"This coffee sucks." Jonah says with a face of disgust.

"Well, there's a Starbucks around the corner, wanna go?" Eden asks and Jonah nods her head yes.

"Please." Jonah says and Eden nods her head.

"I'm gonna bring the dress in the car first, I'll meet you there." Eden says as Jonah nods and walks towards the Starbucks. Eden is quick to hang up the dress in her car before speeding her way to Starbucks.

When Eden reached the Starbucks, she spotted Jonah glaring through the Starbucks window.

"Jonah, what are you doing? You look like a weirdo just standing there." Eden says with a laugh.

"Um, I'm not really feeling coffee anymore. I can just make some at home." Jonah says snapping her head towards Eden.

"What, why? You suck at making coffee." Eden chuckles as she tries to push her way towards the Starbucks door.

"NO! Um, uh I-I mean no. No need to waste anymore money, the wedding is already costing so much." Jonah says with a uneasy laugh.

"Then it's on me." Eden says as she pushes past Jonah and through the door.

But Eden should have agreed to make coffee at home, because the sight in front of her made her want to scream, cry, laugh and puke all at the same time.

Mathew is seated across from Isa.

Eden remembers her face clearly. She was Mathew's first ever real girlfriend, and Mathew was head over heels for her.

What is she doing here?

"I think you're right, let's go home." Eden says, Mathew doesn't even notice she's there.

"Yeah, we better."


"Eds?" Mathew calls through the house.

Eden stays silent as she picks up her suitcases and carries them down the stairs.

Mathew makes his way into the kitchen and pulls out a chilled water from the fridge. Mathew leans against the kitchen counter scrolling through his phone. 

Without Mathew noticing, Eden slips on her shoes and grabs her car keys. But, before Eden can take a step out of the house, Mathew shuts the door stopping Eden in her tracks.

"Where are you going?" Mathew says.

"Away from you." Eden spits out at Mathew.

"What? Why?" Mathew questions.


"Eds, you can't just leave without a reason." Mathew says and Eden wipes away a tear that made an escape.

"Come on Mat, you can't tell me that you don't know what you've been doing!" Eden says shaking her head.

"Please, tell me! Because I really don't know what i've done." Mathew says swinging his arms.

"You've been texting Isa for so long and you went to Starbucks with her." Eden says making Mathew roll his eyes.

"She's just a friend!" Mathew says.

"Yeah, so was I! I was just a friend Mat, now look at us!" Eden says and Mathew shakes his head.

"You're not leaving just because of that." Mathew says as he grabs Eden's suitcases and races up the stairs with them in hand.

"Mat, stop!" Eden cries out as she storms into the bedroom where Mathew is.

"Why do you think leaving will fix everything?" Mat asks and Eden sighs.

"Mat, the last time we've had a proper conversation was when we were arguing about who left the toilet seat down! This much fighting is not healthy!" Eden says and Mathew chuckles.

"Every couple fights, it's apart of the package." Mathew says.

"I know it is, but when there's more fighting then regular conversation, then that's enough. And let's not forget I caught you on a date with Isa!" 

"She's just a friend, holy shit!"

"She was you're first ever girlfriend Mat! You were head over heels for her. I know that's who you've been texting and smiling at. It hurts me to know that I can't make you that happy anymore." Eden starts as tears begin to fall again.

"I can't make you happy Mat! We're better off as friends, that stupid contract was a mistake."

That hit Mathew hard.

"Trying it for real was great at the start, trust me it was, but now I'm starting to realize that, maybe we are better off as friends." Eden ends and Mathew is on the verge of crying.

"Eds, plea-"

"Mat, think about it for a second." Eden says.

"This is why you've been ignoring me? Because You think we're better off as friends?" Mathew asks.

"I wouldn't call it ignoring when you're out all the time." Eden says shaking her head.

"You know what, maybe we do need a break from each other." Mathew says and Eden nods.

"We really do." Eden says.

"What will happen to us then?" Mathew asks Eden.

"I don't know."

Then, an idea pops into Mathew's head.

"We'll make a contract." 

The Break Up Contract | Mathew Barzal SequelWhere stories live. Discover now