How long he kissed me didn't matter, but it felt like an eternity. I was enjoying his lips on mine and didn't want it to end. He moved his lips from mine and my eyes shot open to meet his icy blue ones, which had somehow taken on a deeper shade. My heart was beating loudly in my chest and I was surprised he couldn't hear it.

I was lost in his eyes and didn't comprehend the words that came out of his mouth till he pulled away from me and closed the door to go to his room.

My mind was muddled and my whole body was on edge. My hands flew to my tingling parted lips.

Why had he stopped? I thought to myself as I slowly made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

As I laid in bed, I kept playing the kiss in my mind. I could still taste him on my lips and they were a little bit swollen.
I was definitely going to have another Alex Flemming dream. I smiled sheepishly as I closed my eyes with images of Alex, his naked body and his lips floating through my mind.

I awoke the next morning still in a daze from the kiss the previous night.

"Your father kissed me yesterday" I said to the stomach with a grin.

It was 7:45 am and the check up was at 9am. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to bath and get ready.

I managed to put on black and gray floral palazzo pants with an elastic waistband, a white off- shoulder crop top and some sandals. The pants rode up to cover my entire belly, which I was grateful for. I grabbed my bag and phone and headed downstairs to eat something.

Just as I stepped out of the room, Alex opened his door. He look dashing in his blue-black suit. I glanced at him taking in his appearance all the while appreciating what I was seeing.

"Goodmorning" he said in a strain voice.

"Goodmorning" I shyly replied before fully closing my door.

He took the lead and I followed behind him.

We both headed to the kitchen and I went straight to grab a bowl, cereals and then some milk from the fridge whiles he made his coffee.
All through breakfast he didn't utter a word to me or try to make conversation.

After we finished eating, he grabbed his phone and keys and headed to the door. I was confused as to what was going on. Was this the silent treatment or what, and after the way he kissed me yesterday?
I too could play that game. I went outside to find him waiting for me to get into the car. I got in buckled my seatbelt and turned my head towards the window.

The drive to the hospital was filled with tension and absolute silence from the both us.

We got to the hospital right on time to go in and see Doctor Jamil.

"Zana!!" he said as he got up to hug me when I enter.

"I see you brought company" he directed at Alex.

"Yes Doctor Jamil. This is-" I was cut off by Alex.

"Alex Flemming, her husband" he finished off as he extended his hand towards Doctor Jamil for a handshake.

"The Alex Flemming?" He accepted the handshake as he asked.

I was glad he didn't ask when I got married and all that stuff. He was a friendly doctor but he knew when not to probe into the personal life of his patients.

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