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Jimin was not okay. He had asked Taehyung to go back with Jungkook while he went to his apartment with Hoseok.

He didn't want to bug Jungkook anymore then he had to. It was probably already to much, but Hoseok gladly opened the door for him and welcomed him back into their shared apartment.

"So it went badly?"

"I don't think it could've gone worse..."

"So it went that badly. Wanna talk about it?" Hoseok went into the kitchen to find something to eat, and Jimin sat on one of their chairs.

"He still hasn't told me things...and I'm worrying so much, but it's obvious he wants me to stop worrying and treating him like a child, but I can't stop worrying! I'm very protective of the people I love, and I dunno...his moods have been flipping back and forth, I don't know what words trigger bad memories..."

"Woah there, that's a lot. Maybe you should just...actually talk to him about your concerns? Every relationship has their issues, but I mean, the best way to work through them is together right? That's what Yoongi hyung says. So through it together, and don't get upset. Nothing gets done when you're upset."

"Hoseok hyung, what did you do to Jae last?"

"You wanna know? I beat him up, and maybe blinded him for a while. I'm still not okay with the fact that he bitch slapped you and ripped your clothes off. The bastard won't touch you again, understand?"

"It didn't even hurt."

"Does Jungkook know?"

"No...we didn't really talk after it...I went to his house much later, and he didn't come back to the store."

"Jimin...I think you gotta stop being a mother and start being a lover. You're so worried about him checking in. I think maybe you two should take a break from this whole thing. soulmates instead of focusing on Jae..."

"I know you're right, but I..." Jimin sighed. "You're right of course."

"Of course Jimin. You just have to be a boyfriend. I don't think he wants two mothers."

"You're right...god, I just...can't loose him you know?" Jimin looked up at him, to see Hoseok making simple cereal.

"I know Jimin...I know. should go to him?"

"Yeah. Thanks, I'll leave now."


"Jungkook!" Taehyung was sitting on the couch with Jungkook, watching tv and talking.

"Yes hyung?"

"We've been at this for three hours! You have to tell him."

"Hyung...I don't. It's...he'll never let me leave the house if he knows! I don't want to be tied down, so maybe it'll be best if he doesn't know. I don't want to be limited with my soulmate, you know?"

"You can't treat him as if he's your friend. He's supposed to be more like a best friend. More like me. He didn't experience it, so you have to tell him. You're not going to be weak for telling him."

"That's not the problem. He's already protective, I don't want him to mother me, or try and watch over me. I want him to know that I can be dependent while being with him..."

"That's on him. Not on you. So if you tell him, his reaction isn't on you."

"Okay, but much as I love you and your ideas...this one isn't a good one. I can't limit myself. If he knew just about anything that had happened that month, yeah no, he wouldn't let me leave his sight. And anyways, he hasn't told me things about him, so I don't feel the need to share."

Don't Leave Me •Jikook•Kookmin•  Where stories live. Discover now