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"someone's been awfully quiet in her little corner, care to share what we're smiling at?"

looking up from your phone to experience human contact for the first time in perhaps three days, your lips twitch as you had forgotten the females that always come into your office at break time.

"ah yongsun...I'm texting a couple of friends."

jimin and seokjin to be exact. they were really the only two you were texting these days, you just found yourself always wanting to tell them everything and found yourself happiest when you thought of them.

"ah, a couple friends or boyfriends?" the low voice questions as she pushes out strands of her chestnut brown hair from her ponytail—hugging her notebook to her chest.

chill running down your back, you cup your phone in your hands and scrunch your eyebrows."what, no I'd never—"

"I'm teasing, after all we all heard about your little fiasco last year...must've been nice having six guys that you can perv on whenever you want."


now she laughed, adjusting the tie on her neck. "I'm still kidding I swear—I had to channel my inner gyuni for that one...but seriously I know you have some good stories to tell about those guys. I mean literally no one else I know has ever been able to successfully date six guys at a time and not be labelled as a cheater."

"ah well I mean I don't know what you want to know," you shrug at the girls that sat in your officer chairs or on the edge of your desk, each of them eager for some fairytale.

"just anything...anything that really stood out to you," the slam poet nods as she crosses her leg on your desk, cocking her head.

tapping your finger to your chin, you ponder a while before shrugging awkwardly. "I guess the best part was that the guys were all so different...so I didn't have to be upset if one of them didn't want to go and do a specific activity with me because someone else would gladly come—and everyday was unpredictable because there were so many personalities in one place."

"alright, gossip time is over ladies." jihoon's voice takes over the room as he leans against the doorframe, waving several files in his hands, and just when you were starting to get into the story.

"someone we know has a fancy dinner date to be attending soon," he sighs and nods your way. "but be warned...I don't think you'll like this one very much.

rent a boyfriend: laws of love|bts x youWhere stories live. Discover now