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there hasn't been a single day that you could call "average" since the last two years. from heart-wrenching breakups and betrayals to meeting handsome men, making up with one of your ex's, getting two promotions and now preparing to finally release the newest romantique campaign—average just wasn't in the vocabulary and today was no acceptation,

because stripping half naked in front of a bunch of girl's you hardly knew wasn't exactly your idea of a lowkey sunday night.


"eat the cake!"




"just a nibble."

"but I don't wanna taste feet..."

"yeah but you lost the game, sorry babe but you gotta take a bite," the girl with the scent of honey herbal tea in her hair chuckles, leaning back to expose her torso and nude underwear.

"rita, help me."

"you didn't save me when I had to drink that concoction earlier...you're going to eat the cake."

whimpering, gyuni grabbed the slice of cake in front of her, forcing her mouth open as she took a bite of the punishment treat.

twisting her nose, gyuni put a finger in her mouth–squirming at the flaky taste of polish on her tongue."ugh who's crusty nails did this come from?"

she poked her bottom lip out, pouting at the girls who had the luxury of eating real snack cakes and chips while all she got was a plate of disgust."why couldn't I just strip as a punishment like the rest of you?"

"because you'd do that spontaneously on a normal tuesday evening if you could, which means it's not a real punishment."


"yongsun's not wrong," you shrug half apologetically though still turning to the girl sitting at your side.

"I'm just glad that we're done with this because all I got left is my underwear," you shook your head in a flustered laugh, arms strategically crossed over your chest, relieved that the game was over.

"oh, it's almost time!" one of the girls jumped up from where she sat playing a game of uno; you believed her name was muse.

"for real? go turn on the tv."

muse grabbed her cards and stepped over the the piles of makeup, phone chargers and female bodies to get to the living room's television, but glancing around she seemed to have a bit of trouble. "uh rita?"

"look behind the pillow."

following your instructions, muse found the tv remote and turned on the system, flipping to a drama that was getting ready to end.

"the end credits are on, hurry up before you guys miss it."

as soon as she spoke, the ending soundtrack had played to whatever the latest romance drama was, the screen changed to a softly lit commercial—a flowy voiceover speaking.

"the slam poet...care for a down to earth lover with a passion for books and greek mythology? the slam poet..."

"yo that's me, the camera man did so good on my shots wow," yongsun stood behind the couch, leaning her stomach on the back of the furniture, mouth wide open.

"the romanticist, humorous and charming; the romanticist with bring your happily ever after to life..."

"that's you oh my gosh rita!" gyuni clapped, shaking you with a wide smile crossing her lips as you stared dumbfound at the monitor.

after your name appeared you blanked out on the rest of the girl's introductions because all you could think of was that you were officially a rentable girlfriend.


"the romanticist!" someone had slammed their fits on the table and pointed at you one day—eyes sparkling as they finally found your niche after months of searching.

"the r-romanticist?" you scrunched your nose, cocking your head downwards, your eyes narrowing as your lips pull in an apologetic smile."it sounds nice, but I don't know what that means."

"It means you're an emotionally driven person, you kind of let your emotions guide the relationship more than reasoning—which can be good when it comes to age gaps and things that consumers might be worried about because you don't necessarily look at things like, race, age or if it will be socially accepted but rather how you feel towards them, just as an example."

"and that will make costumers feel much more intimate and safe with you—and besides its not like you'll need much training to become her, you've practically been her for as long as we've known you," chanyeol winked—his smile making you feel more at easy with your new persona.


now here's the deal. ever since the beginning stages of creating the rent-a-girlfriend campaign, it was quickly realized that a lot of changes were going to have to be made for safety and security reasons.

for one, girlfriend's who lived alone were
asked to move into a company specific private complex that would have twenty–four hour security, while those who lived with another person were given the option to move or stay
in their current residence if they felt that their housemate could watch out for them and ensure that no stalkers followed them home.

they made it very clear that the roommate couldn't be another rent-a worker, but someone who actively could watch over

which meant that you and gyuni had to move into the complex, which was understandable.
so you allowed two good friends to move into your old house while you moved out.

the transition was odd at first but it slowly began to remind you of college dorms, except with more room, and less homework, and disappointing lack of frat parties.

and now here you were, squealing half naked in your mini loft with some of the other rentables to celebrate the moment all of your lives change by becoming official rent-a-girlfriends.


"someone go check the website! I wanna see if our pictures are up."

"we're actually doing this...people can actually rent us."

everyone was talking at once, the sound of phones ringing from families and friend's calling to give congratulations was all that could be heard.

and among all of the ringing, your specific ringtone echos in the air, forcing you to snap out of your thoughts. excusing yourself from the party, you step over a several girls to get to the device vibrating against granite kitchenette countertop.


"a little birdie told me that a current little mama was back in town, I had to call for myself and see if the rumors reign true," voice peaking with hopefulness, the male's sigh turned breathy in the receiver.

your lip twitched as you leaned against the cold counter."you seen the campaign didn't you?"

"not only did I see it but I saved it and plan on putting it on a cd," his voice was a mix of groggy from sleep but husky from laughter "so you're finally back home?"

you cover your smile with a hand, chuckling at the all too familiar and missed voice, wishing he'd say something more so you could just indulge in it."yeah...I'm back."


happy valentines day—please accept this book as my love token ♡

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