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things were actually going fine with your date—just as long as you kept jungkook's mouth full and followed your basic training. honestly you were just happy to see a familiar face again after being away for so long.

in fact the city you once considered to be too tiny for someone like you now seemed quite grand and exciting again.

"guk, guk! I heard the news!"

or perhaps this city was smaller than you originally thought after all.

"Ish..." huffing into the air, jungkook mumbles something under his breath as another male slams into the table—staring him down.

"you gotta swear on your disgusting combat boots if it's true."

"I thought I told you that we're not friends taehyung—and I'm still serious about getting that restraining order if you don't leave me alone."

"look as much as I like bdsm nows just not
the time, I gotta know if rita's really..."

taehyung paused, a sudden awareness making his hair stick up. his body had ran into the table so eager to hear from jungkook that he completely overlooked your person sitting inches away from him, a cheeky smile crossing your lips.


chuckling, you wave your hand. "hi."

boxy smile forming, the male stumbles back to get a better look at you, pushing his headband back and licking his lips in a poor attempt to contain his grin. "it's you, I mean ofcourse it's you but I just can't believe you're here—to have thought it's been a year already. come here, give me a hug."

"It's nice to see you again," wind kicking in, you hold down the edge of your dress and wrap your free hand around one of the most explicit men you had ever met in your life.

"I didn't think you were really gonna come back. I heard that you hosted the franchise's grand opening in thailand and japan...what stopped you from staying there?"

"I just...missed being home."

truth be told, even though the adventures were exciting and you got to help hundreds of people, nothing felt quite like this place—though you never could pinpoint exactly what it was that drove you back here.

"hm, well I'm glad that you're back, no one appreciates my sense of humor like you do," chuckling, taehyung nudges your chin with his finger, a hint of sentiment in his voice though he still poked his tongue in a soft tease.

"you know I actually have something for you..." nibbling on his bottom lip, taehyung takes your hand and rolls his finger over it, directing you to follow him a little ways away from activity of latte glasses clanking and customers being seated.

that seemed to make jungkook perk up and remind the two of you of his presence."excuse you, but the two of us were in the middle of something."

"doing what? oh don't worry I won't let your food get cold."

throwing his hands up, jungkook looks away—already irritated by yet another intrusion on his plans. "no, she's on a date, with me."

"oh..." scrunching his eyebrows, the male tilts his head down at you. "you two are dating now? that's...definitely kind of sudden.."

you turn to jungkook, knowing how he felt about the other guys, but you really couldn't deny the chance to reunite with an old friend. "it'll only take a second I promise...okay baby?"

within seconds jungkook's temper had defused and he sat with a faint reddening on his cheeks, turning away to keep taehyung from seeing, though you took it as a silent sign of agreement.

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