|•Shouto X Reader•| [[Take Three!]] Actor AU

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a/N: I'm procrastinating too much- I'm the worst writer ever I always miss my deadlines 💀💀💀

The director furrowed his eyebrows, laying his cheek on his hand as he munched on a snickers bar angrily. He stared at the couple who was rudely interrupting the current scene playing out. Honestly the audacity of these people!

While Todoroki could feel the harsh glare and could hear the angry mumbling of the director behind him, he could care less. Recently, he became [Y/N]'s new boyfriend and he intended to be the best boyfriend she ever had. But he know it be difficult since they were both actors in the new popular series named 'My Hero Academia'. The director said it wasn't going to become as popular as 'Naruto' and 'One Piece' but was proven wrong when the ratings sky-rocketed. So Todoroki had to balance his romance with [Y/N] and with his new found fame thanks to 'My Hero Academia'.

He was grateful [Y/N] understood that his character was greatly appreciated by the fans and they would be CRUSHED if their favorite character was in a relationship with. So they promised eachother to keep to themselves and only show their affection for one another during set or with close friends like Bakugou and Izuku. As Todoroki held his new girlfriend close, bundling her up in his arms, he stared back at the director who was obviously stressed due to the couple not hearing his orders to stay off the stage. Currently, they were filming the scene with Inko and All Might but the troublesome couple kept getting into the shots.

"Shouto and [Y/N] get off the stage! This is the last time I'm telling you to or else I'm refraining you two from holding eachother!" The director yelled into his microphone.

You pouted at his words. You knew he meant good but...

"Okay okay! We're sorry we'll get off now!" You yelled back as you escorted your clingy boyfriend off of the setting to not interrupt the scene anymore. As you two walked together hand in hand, Todoroki had the audacity to scoot much closer to you. He'd soon be walking behind you while holding you in his arms. His warm and comforting arms. You nearly fell back onto his built chest but restrained yourself from doing so as you two walked into a secluded area.

You saw as Bakugou jokingly gagged at you two and Uraraka snorted while sharing a cup of tea with him. You smiled at them as Todoroki sat down next to you, being very very VERY cuddly.

"Todoroki what's gotten into you? You've never been so cuddly before." You giggled into his chest, not minding all the new found attention he was giving you.

Todoroki scoffed and looked away, "I just felt...needy." He said without much trouble but from his cheeks, you could clearly tell he was embarrassed.

"Ew you two get a room!" Bakugou gagged again,

"Oh be quiet Baku and let them have their moment!"

"No way! They're making us singles feel bad!"

You giggled at Bakugou's words. You couldn't believe he was the actor of such a hot-headed and violent character. He was so kind and funny.

"Psh. Suck it up Katsucki." You retorted earning a long dramatic gasp from the 'offended' boy,

"How DARE you!?!" He cried out,

"I dare a lot." You giggled. While you and Bakugou continued your shenanigans, Todoroki watched in glee. He was happy you and Bakugou were close. He was happy that you were having fun instead of stressing about your new relationship with him. He leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead,

"I love you, [Y/N]. I really do."

"I-I love you too Shou..." you replied softly. You two closed the space between you and shared a romantic moment together...Until Bakugou started to gag again.

"Ewwww! Couples!"

"Oh shut up Bakugou!"


Hola. I wrote a lot and I hope it satisfies you guys. I'm sorry for constantly leading you all on. I know I say I'll make a new chapter soon and I completely don't update at all- I owe every single one of you all dozens of apologies. There is no other excuse except that I'm lazy. I'll try my hardest to make it up to you all! ❤️

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