|•Shouto X Reader•| [[ Work Out ]]

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a/N: my son-

"Shouto watch out!" You yelled as Bakugou tackles him and tries to punch him. Todoroki dodges and Aizawa holds back Bakugou while he screams profanities. You see, being Bakugou's sister while dating his mortal enemy is difficult in more than just one way. But you put up with it since he's your brother.

"Bakugou don't that!" You scolded

"Tell Icyhot to keep his paws off of you!" He growled back glaring menacingly at your boyfriend,

"Just ask don't throw yourself at him!" You said, frowning along with Todoroki as Bakugou kept glaring at him.

"Jeez... to think he's my brother..."

|| TimeSkip ||

After the incident with your overly protective brother, you continued your daily life and went to lunch. As you chatted with Kirishima and Denki you noticed Todoroki looking at his food as if he was deep in thought. You didn't mind that until he said...

"We should go to the gym."

"Eh? Why?"

"So we can fight off people like your short tempered brother."

"So you wanna be a POWER couple?"

Todoroki moves his tray and himself to Momo's table as you whined for him to come back. After your godawful pun you two agreed to meet at a local gym around noon on the upcoming Saturday.

|| TimeSkip brought to you by Bakugou dabbing so hard he blows Izuku away ||

"Ugh Todoroki I cant work out anymore!"

You whined. You two have been working out for THREE hours. You have no idea how the hell Todoroki is still able to keep going even though he's dripping in sweat! You think he might've taken buttsteroids.


"Sh [Y/N] I'm focused." Todoroki said as he ran incredibly fast on a treadmill,

"Too much!" You said panting, laying on the floor,

"[Y/N] get up."

You pouted and crossed your arms as you say up. Todoroki sighed and stopped running as he yanked you up. You smiled, having his attention again.

"You're difficult."

"I'm difficult?"

"Yes you are." Todoroki said with a slight smile as he tried to get you on the treadmill. Keyword tried. You made yourself heavier as you whined louder,

"No! I'm not going on that hell machine!"

"If you don't you'll get too fat."

You gasped as you slapped his arms and shoulders in a offended manner,

"You think I'm fat!?"

"Well you weigh a lot so..."


"[Y/N] you're being too much of a drama queen."


Todoroki grunted and picked you up by the torso, your breasts being pushed upward causing him to blush. You whined even more as your flailing seemed to not even affect him. He tried to get you on the dreaded treadmill but you jumped out of his tight embrace.

He halfheartedly glared at you and gripped your arm, snatching you towards him,

"I'll punish you if you keep acting like this." He whispered into your ear with a deep and sexy voice. You gulped, feeling the hair at the back of your neck stand up. Quivering slightly you looked up at him with big "innocent" eyes,

Todoroki smirked,
"Are you gonna get on the treadmill kitten?"

You shook your head,

Let's just say you were tired and you couldn't use your legs for a long time. And no it wasn't because of the treadmill or even the gym at all. But I'll give you one hint: Todoroki.

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