|•Shouto X Reader•| [[Shades of Velvet]]

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a/N: Whats good you all?
You impatiently tapped your red pencil against your velvet journal. You hate to wait but it was necessary to get this job. Plus it paid extremely well so you were sure the waiting was worth it. As you waited, you observed your surroundings and noticed how fancy and expensive everything looked.

"Wow..." you said quietly,

Everything was painted a nice white or silver. The floors were black tiles as the walls were white with silver lining and in the middle of it said, "Maroon Inc." painted a shiny silver. The chair you were sitting in was quite stylish with black cushions and silver designs and the coffee table was transparent.

"Ms [L/N]? Mr. Todoroki is ready to meet you." A polite lady came up to you. You nodded once before standing and accompanying her to big wooden doors with silver handles. She grabbed the handles and gave them a slight tug as she smiled and stepped aside. You suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline and shakily sat down in a chair similar to the chair you were sitting in but this time the cushions were velvet red.

"Ms. [L/N], correct?" A deep voice came from behind the chair infront of you,

"Uhm yes... I am [Y/N] [L/N] Mr. Todoroki... it's great to finally meet you."

"Likewise. So now, tell me. What makes you think you are qualified to join my company?"

"Well sir, I am skilled at writing excellent stories and new articles and such. I believe I can do an outstanding job here if you give me a chance."

"Outstanding? I need a PERFECT job not an OUTSTANDING job."

"W-Well, I can probably preform a perfect job as well Mr.Todoroki."

Suddenly, the chair slowly faces you as it reveals a handsome young man near your age. A teal colored eye complimenting the black eye. Soft two toned hair with kissable lips and a scar on his black eye. His appearance could make any woman faint in shock. Swallowing thickly, you felt blood rush to your cheeks as you gripped your pencil tighter.

"Careful Ms [L/N], I don't want you to break a pencil that is in my favorite color." Todoroki said,

"I-I...Y-Yes sir..!"

"Hmph. Alright then, since you say you can do an 'outstanding' job in my company, I will give you a chance to prove yourself." He said as he got up, circling you like a prey eyeing its predator. His hands behind his back as he let a devilish smirk form on his lips.

"I'm looking forward to seeing your skills, Ms [L/N]... You don't want to disappoint me or else there will be consequences." He said in a soft and somewhat arousing manner,

"Y-Yes...sir..." you squeaked out as you quickly squeeze your legs together,

"Good girl," you blushed at his remark, "Now. I want you here by noon, if you do not arrive in time I will have no choice but to reject your offer, understood?"

"Y-Yes sir... I-Is there anything else I should k-know..?"

"I would like you to wear a red dress with res lipstick. Red is my most favorite color."

"Alright sir... See you at noon." You quickly said as you walked out of his office silently.

~Timeskip towards noontime~
You sighed as you struggled to clip your red lacy bra. Whining, you suddenly clipped it together much to your liking. Putting on a red velvet dress that hugged your body and applied red lipstick with made your lips pop out but not too much. You smiled to yourself in the mirror and applied an expensive perfume.

"Alright. I can land the job if I play my cards right. You can do this [Y/N].." you said with a confident tone as you smiled and sighed again. You were going to be late if you kept looking at your reflection, you had to be on time! You rushed out of your home and locked the door to see.. a limo?

"Ms [L/N] correct?"

"Yes... Did Mr. Todoroki send a limousine to pick me up?"

"Precisely my dear."

You nodded and quickly entered the limousine, gawking how marvelous and expensive looking it was. It had a small place which was filled with water bottles and the cushions were so comfy and red! You smiled as you lay your back onto it. After a while, you hear the door open.

"M-Mr. Todoroki..?"

"Yes Ms [L/N]?"

"I d-didn't expect you to come with me.."

"Sorry for the small inconvenience,It seems I had forgot to tell you we would be discussing it inside the limousine."

"O-Oh.. it's fine!"
As time passed while you two discussed business, you noticed your soon to be boss couldn't keep his eyes off of your assets and legs, aswell as your lips. Your ruby red lips. It kind of aroused you.

"I love the color red. It's so amazing. But red on you is so... astonishing. So intoxicating. How do you do it [L/N]?" He asked all so suddenly as he slightly strokes your sides and begins to unzip the red dress off of you.

"M-Mr Todoroki... n-no.. n-not here- AH~!" You moaned sweetly as your boss began to kiss and nibble your sensitive neck while still slipping off your dress.

"My my, even red undergarments?" He teased

You whined in responses and gripped his soft hair.

"Mr Todoroki~ control y-your-Ngh~! S-Stop we're in a l-limo~ AH~!" You moaned as his daring lips tracked down to your breasts.

"Does it matter? Because to me it doesn't. I like the color red on you. But I'd like to mark you body in red marks even better." He said as he began to unbuckle his belt.

a/N: It was requested and I'll probably do a part two tbh-

Also welcome the Fluff with open arms

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