Chapter 29

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One Year Later

We were officially moved in. It only took a year, but we got it done. No more boxes to unpack. No more dressers or beds to move in. No more sleeping on the floor. It was officially our house. Michele and Maxine had their room upstairs and unfortunately for them Mason and Aria's room was upstairs too. Well It was actually unfortunate for everyone. They were like freaking bunnies. Maya's room was downstairs next to mine. It was nice have a big house since I lived in an apartment all my life. 

So Lucas and Maxine we're officially together. Turns out that the night of Stephanie's party something happened between them and none of us knew. Not even me and Lucas told me everything. Speaking of that night. Calum and I were a thing. Unlike Lucas and Maxine, everyone actually knew about us when we started dating, but no ones holding any grudges. 

I was currently walking towards the kitchen. I saw Mason and Maya sitting at the table talking about something. We all had a day off from work, while Maxine, Michele and Aria all had to work today. At least someone was working. "Hey Guys." I said walking to the fridge and grabbing a water bottle. Out of no where I felt someone come up behind me and poke me in the sides. Scaring the absolute shit out of me. I screamed and dropped my water bottle. I knew it wasn't Mason. He knew I was very jumpy now. And It definitely wasn't Maya, cause she's as jumpy as I am now.

Ever since that thing with Jason We were all very jumpy and Lucas and Mason knew not to scare us on purpose. We all knew not to scare each other. Except for one person.

I turned around and saw Calum looking at my with a worried look in his eyes. "Don't do that!" I said smacking his chest and smiling, playing it off as if I didn't almost shit myself. I looked over at Mason and Maya and they were both just kinda staring at Calum. 

"You ok? You jumped like five feet in the air." I nodded. Even though I wasn't ok. "Yeah. Hey I'll meet you in the living room. I gotta talk to Mason and Maya." He nodded and walked that way. "You haven't told him yet?" Maya asked. I shook my head and looked down at my feet. "Y 'all have been dating for almost a  year. He needs to know." I nodded my head. "Yeah I know. I'm gonna tell him today." Maya nodded. "Good. Cause he can't go around doing that to all of us. We will all shit ourselves like you almost did." I stuck my tongue out at Maya and walked into the living room, about to tell Calum one of the most relationship changing things that he could know about me.

"Hey Calum?" He was sitting on my couch and turned his head when he heard my voice. "Can I talk to you?" He stood up when he saw my expression. "What's wrong?" I intertwined our fingers and walked him to my room. Once I shut and locked my door, making sure no one would walk in while I tried talking to him. "You sure you're ok?" I shook my head as my eyes started watering. He rushed towards me and wrapped his arms around me. "Babe. What's wrong? Talk to me." I gripped his shirt as I made myself stop crying. 

"There is something I haven't told you." I pulled away from him and sat down on my bed throwing my head in my hands. "What is it?" He sat next to me and placed his hand on my lower back. I had gotten used to him touching me, but every time he did it still scared me a little. I trusted him, but I don't think I could ever truly be comfortable with him until he knew the truth. 

"Umm. Well maybe about a year and a half ago something happened." I wiped away a few tears and I looked at the wall in front of me. "And not just me. To all the girls that live in this house." He shifted in his seat. "Like what?" I groaned as I was finally about to say this. "One night while me and my friends were out partying, Maya met this guy. She thought he was so nice and sweet and eventually went home with him." I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged myself. 

"A couple days later she was supposed to be at Lucas's house, but she snuck off to see him. We went to go find her cause we found her phone outside. Shattered screen. And It didn't help that Mason was worried about Aria. I knew they were in trouble." He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "We went to go look for them and I traveled alone to look for them one way while Lucas went another." I didn't want to bring up Jordan. His grip on my hand tightened. "I didn't know what was coming, but someone came up behind me and attacked me. He took me back to his van and there I found Aria and Maya." 

He ran one of his fingers down my cheek and I bit my lip to fight back a sob. "We met Maxine and Michele there." I wiped away a tear and continued. "We were harassed. We were sexually assaulted. Michele was starved. We were drugged. They put a drug into our system that not even the hospital could recognize. They said it was a miracle I was still alive, because they found a lethal amount of it in my blood." I felt him tense up beside me as I talked. " We were there for almost five days. While they tried doing the same stuff to us everyday. We were all almost raped, but luckily that didn't actually happen to any of us." I sobbed in my hands as these words came out. "That situation has bonded us for life, but it has also scared us." 

We sat in silence for a moment. After a while Calum said, "Well as long as I'm here," He used his fingers to turn my head so that i was looking at him. "No one will hurt you. In any way." He slowly leaned down and planted his lips on mine. This was the first moment that I truly felt safe with him. I knew he wouldn't do anything. I knew he wouldn't walk away because of what's happened in the past. Some guys would have walked away because they didn't know how to handle the situation or they just didn't like the idea of me being scared. But Calum? I knew he understood an I knew he would be there for me no matter what. 

As we made love for the first time that evening I knew I would be very happy with him. It was passionate, romantic. Nothing went too fast, but it definitely didn't go too slow. I could picture myself in his arms everyday. I haven't been this happy since Jordan. And I was proud to say that I was over him. No one brought him up and neither did I, so there was nothing to hang on to and I was happy about that. It felt as If my life was in perfect harmony. For the moment at least. Who knows what other stuff I could get in to. 

Wait I know what you're thinking. This is the end. The happy ending I always needed, but is it? My life may be perfect right now. Perfect friends, perfect boyfriend, but when has my life ever been perfect? Just wait until you see who shows up at my door soon.

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