Chapter 26

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I never stopped running. The only time that I stopped was when I ended up at my current destination. I was in a place I used to consider my safe spot and I think it still is for me to end up here now. I crawled under the branches of that old oak tree. I looked around and saw that it looked the same since the last time I came here, which was with Jordan on our first date. Since it was a pretty big oak tree I was able to walk around under all its branches. Once I got to the opposite side from where I was, I saw all our old stuff still there. We had taken old beanbag chairs, a coffee table, a battery powered heater and fan. It was a little hard getting those beanbag chairs in there. Had to hold up a lot of branches, but the coffee table was easy. We just built it inside the tree. 

I smiled as I looked down at all our old things. We used to have so much fun under these branches, but those days were long gone. I felt my eyes start watering as I remembered that we weren't in those days anymore. These were a lot harder. Before I knew what I was doing I started picking up the beanbag chairs and throwing them across the small bit of land under that tree. I pushed over the coffee table we took time to build. Luckily it didn't break, it was just now upside down. I threw the fan and the heater. See now those things did break. I screamed my lungs out as I did this. Eventually, when I was almost done having my melt down, I threw myself to the ground and looked up at the small bits of sky I could see through the branches. 

I laid there in that same spot for hours. I watched as the sun went down. I listened as the little kids filtered out of the field across the way and the older ones filter in. I could hear  them breaking bottles, laughing, talking and just having a lot of fun. Being stupid and careless. How I wanted to be, but I just couldn't anymore. 

Just to get more comfortable I moved on top of one of the beanbag chairs. Mine to be exact. There was a purple one, a red one, and a blue one. I had the purple one. I didn't have my phone, so I didn't know the time and honestly I didn't care. It could be three in the morning for all I care. I honestly just wanted to fall asleep out here. It could be dangerous, but why do you think I have our dagger in my hands. We wanted protection, so we kept a couple daggers in the drawers of the coffee table.

About an hour later, after the teenagers or adults across the street finally left or settled down I heard some rustling and whispering  just outside the tree. I was just kinda laying all loosely spread out on the chair. It might have looked like I was dead, if I wasn't breathing. In that moment I didn't care if they came in and killed me. At least i'd die there. Then I heard the voices more clearly. 

"I'm going stop pushing. It's still a tight fit." I heard Maya say along with the sound of rustling leaves. 

"Well your fat ass was never able to get through easily." Mason then said which also came with rustling leaves. I wanted to smile, but didn't have the strength.

"Could y'all two stop and just look for her. It's three in the fucking morning. She has to be here." I heard Lucas say and there were the leaves. I was disappointed that i didn't hear anymore voices or anymore leaves indicating that no one else was here with them. I saw them out of the corner of my eye walk around the tree to where I was. 

"Oh thank god. Katherine." Maya quickly came up and knelt down beside me. "We have been looking everywhere for you." I didn't say a word and didn't look at them. "Come on Kat. Say something." I still just sat there and eventually she got up and sat in her beanbag chair. Lucas flipped the table back over and sat on it knowing that the other chair was Mason's. 

I didn't show any emotion or any movement until Mason walked over. "Come on Kat. We've been out all night. The least you could do is say hi." Before I knew what I was doing I kicked up my leg and nailed him right in the nose. His head flew back and he fell backwards. I followed him to the ground and started throwing punch after punch at him. He was fighting me off, yet he still let me get some punches in. And I only say he let me, because he could've had me pinned in an instant. No one else tried to stop me either.

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