Chapter 22

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Willow Shields as Maxine Armstrong


We ate once in the morning and once in the evening. We had our twenty minutes with the guys usually before we ate which made me not want to eat. The rest of the time we were stuck in that same god damn room. This routine went on for two more days. Until one day things changed and not in a good way. They had walked in and blindfolded us. They ended up tying us to chairs. One the blindfolds were takin off I saw that we were in the den in front of the guys. I moved around in the chair trying my best to loosen the rope but of course that didn't work. "Since none of y'all seem to be cooperating we have decided to do something else to please ourselves and not in a sexual way." I glared up at Jason. 

I looked over at the table behind him and saw various needles and liquids in bottles causing me to move in the chair more. "Oh well I see that my little Kitty Kat has seen what we've got."

"Stop calling me that." I said through bared teeth. He chuckled. "Well sweetheart. We have better things to do than figuring out what to call you." He walked up to the table behind him and grabbed only four of the needles. He snatched one of the bottles off the table and stuck in needle in the liquid sucking some of it into the needles.

He held up one of the needles and flicked the end a couple of times. "So whos first." I struggled against the ropes. "See I would do you first but I would much rather see you squirm than hear you scream." He walked over to Aria and that's when I really started struggling. "Leave her the hell alone." He looked over at me and smiled an evil smile. He then took the needle and slowly submerged it into her neck. I heard her wince as he started pushing the liquid into her veins. "What are you doing to her?!" I yelled as I started moving more in my chair. "Wouldn't you like to know." He handed the needle to Max and whispered something in his ear that I wasn't able to hear.

A few minutes later I heard Aria start groaning in pain. I looked over at her only to see a few tears run down her face. Eventually she let out an ear piercing scream. It was that I almost started jumping out of my chair. "What did you do to her?!" Jason chuckled. "See fun to see you squirm. Next needle." Owen handed him another needle. He then walked up to Maya and plunged it into the vein in her neck. She didn't wince didn't even make a noise. She just closed her eyes and let the liquid sink into her veins.

He then did it to the rest of the girls except me causing me to squirm even more. And I was starting to get tired. But I wouldn't stop until we got out of this damned place. Maya didn't scream like Aria but there was a lot of groaning and gasping. Michele and Maxine on the other hand also let out ear shattering screams.

"We'll be back for you." They all walked out and left us there. The rest of the girls panting while I tried to figure out a way to get out of these ropes. I looked over at the table of needles and saw Lucas's pocket knife sitting there. Luckily they were so dumb that they didn't tie our legs down to the chair. So I stood up with the chair still connected to me and walked over to the table. I was hunched over so It may have been a little hard.  

Once I finally got to the table I turned around and grabbed the knife. I heard a door open and quickly walked back over to where my seat was. "Ok. We got something special for you Kitty Kat." Without saying a word I flipped the knife open behind my back and started cutting the rope. "Get me the needle." I almost had it cut when he started walking towards me the needle in hand. "Not so fast." I said holding up my legs in front of him stopping him. "What would happen if you did this right now?" He looked at me confused as I tried to finish cutting the rest of the rope. "I have no idea what you have in that needle and if it's bad I could possibly die. And if I die what happens then?" He took one more step towards me. "You die. And that'll be that." I smiled at him. "No this happens." As I said that I pulled my hands out of the rope and jumped on him tackling him to the ground and knocking the needle out of his hand. He grabbed my wrist but I quickly swung the knife cutting his arm. He winced and let go. Before I knew it I was being grabbed from behind. Max walked in front of me and snatched the knife from my hand. "Feisty." He picked up the needle from the floor just as the girls started screaming at them. He quickly stuck the needle in my neck and pushed the liquid into my veins. This one wasn't as slow acting as the others. I immediately felt a scorching heat take over my body. My vision went blurry and my hearing a little fuzzy. I was still able to make out the pounding noise coming from the door. I started stumbling a little, dizzy from the drugs currently coursing through my veins. The door was kicked from its hinges as policemen came running inside with guns screaming at the guys to get down. Mason and Lucas ran over to Maya and Aria them being the first people they saw. Jordan came sprinting in a little after and looked around until his eyes landed on me. Just as he ran up to me I felt myself falling backwards. "Katherine!" He dropped to the floor catching me before I hit the ground. I saw his eyes tear up as he tried to talk to me but I couldn't hear what he had to say. I smiled at him weakly as I reached up to slowly caress his cheek just before everything went black, once again. 

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