Loki - Broken pieces

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There was no point in lying about it. You and Lokis relationship was failing, and every time any of you tried to fix it, it broke even more. It started with a few cracks, but now it was a small blow from shattering, and it was hurting you. You loved him deeply, but because of his past he was often very cold to you, and sometimes, if he had had a bad day, he'd let it out on you. You, on the other hand, weren't exactly innocent either. You weren't very stable mentally, and because of a bad past, you either shouted back at your boyfriend or stayed quiet, avoiding any kind of contact until he was back to himself. You never tried to solve the problems, you just went along with them and distanced yourself. The other Avengers had tried to help you two, but it seemed like your relationship was made to fail. The fact that it had all startet just because you had gotten home at bit tipsy one night made you feel guilty. Loki had gotten so mad at you for drinking, he hadn't talked to you for almost two days. To your horror, today was the day everything shattered.

You had just gotten back from a run, wearing your usual running atire, but without a shirt because of the incredible heat. You could feel the gods stare as you neared stark tower and rolled your eyes, ignoring it as you slowed down and entered the building, not surprised that a certain male was already waiting for you. "Where's your shirt?" Oh god, it was one of his bad days, you could hear it. "I was dying of heat Loki, and it's not like I'm wearing a triangle bikini, it's a sports bra." You snapped, walking over to the stairs, since you weren't a fan of elevators. "You can't run around like that, the men in the city could've-" "But they didn't." You cut him off. Yes, you knew you shouldn't snap at him when he was like this, but you were having a good day and his pissy mood wasn't going to ruin it. Turning around again, you went up the stairs before Loki could answer, and you knew he was going to blow your brain out when he found you again.

You've just gotten into the shower when you hear a knock on your bathroom door, and knowing it's Loki, you allow him to come in. It isn't the first time he sees you naked after all. "Y/n, I didn't mean to shout at you earlier, it's one of those days.." He mumble as he joins you in the shower, hugging you from behind. You notice he's still wearing a shirt and his pants. Why hadn't he taken it off. "It's okay, I know how you are sometimes." You mutter, not sure if it is the truth or not. Turning around, you notice the males red eyes and tear stained cheeks. Had he really been crying. "My dear Loki..." You whisper, placing a soft kiss on his lips to comfort him. "We'll get through this. It's just a phase, nothing else." A small smile lightens your face slightly up but the man in front of you doesn't change, making you sigh. "Come on, take that off before you catch a cold." You start to unbutton his shirt, but his hands grabs your wrists. "Don't." His voice is low but you can sense how desperate he is to keep you away from his skin. Why? "Okay.." You mutter, letting your hands fall to your sides, immediately feeling the familiar warmth from Lokis lips on your head. "Thank you."

It's starting to get cold as you sit on the small balcony, wrapped in a blanket with your hair loose. It was a summer night, and the sky wasn't fully dark yet. You couldn't get your mind off what happened earlier. You had touched him a lot of times and he never seemed to mind, why was tonight different? And why had he been crying? He had never cried because of you before.. "Y/n?" You look up as you hear your name, and smile as you see Thor sit down beside you. "Hey Thor." You smile, happy to see him. He always seemed to be so positive, and he always managed to cheer you up when you thought it was impossible. "Have you talked to Loki?" "Not really..." You mutter into the blanket, offering him some of it so he doesn't freeze. He scoops over to you, ruffling your hair lightly. He was like a real brother to you. "He's been acting strange, it's like his mood becomes brighter when you're not around." You look surprised up at Thor, unable to believe what he had just said. Was your boyfriend really more happy when you weren't there? "But why?" You whisper, trying to contain a sob, but you fail. The demigod shakes his head, clearly not having any idea as he hugs you and you let your emotions run wild. You're crying, sobbing and shaking, completely out of yourself. You knew what that meant, and as if he was called, Loki stepped into the room, first outraged about how Thor held you, until he realized you were crying in his arms. "Y/n?" He called, rushing to the balcony, trying to get close to you but you wouldn't let him. "Are you happier without me?" You asked, looking up at him with bood shot eyes and tears on your face. Loki looked shocked, but you could see the guilt in his eyes as he slowly nodded, making you rise from your seat. "Then I'll let you be happy." You whisper, leaving the balcony to pack your things. Thor scolds his brother before he walks in and helps you get your stuff, saying you can be with him until Tony gets a room ready for you. You feel your heart break even further when you see Loki is still on the balcony, looking at you with blank eyes, and as your eyes met you felt like someone pierced your heart. You knew your relationship was meant to break but you didn't want it to, you weren't ready to say goodbye.

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