Tom/Loki - meeting the god himself

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You couldn't believe it when they told you. It couldn't be true, that kind of stuff usually never happened to you, it had to be a dream.
Well, it wasn't.
You were gonna meet Tom Hiddleston In the role of the God of mischief, Loki Laufeyson.
And how had this happened? Well, to make a long story short there had been a contest. Tom Hiddleston had already made a little clip where he was, in the role of Loki, with some kids, asking them questions and so on. Now, he was gonna do the same but with teens and young adults in the ages 17-21. He had put up an add where people could send in an email with why they wanted to be in the program along with their names, ages and a bit random personal information.
You hadn't written that much since you knew the chance of you being chosen was small but apparently not as small as you thought. A few days ago you had gotten an email from the producers. The usual stuff first, they thanked you for the application, told you it was good and all that stuff but you had to read the last few lines more than five times before you understood clearly. You had been chosen. You were gonna be one of the four other people that were gonna be on television with Tom Hiddleston himself. The mail also said he wasn't gonna go out of character no matter what so that would only make it more interest though it was a little disappointing.
You were on your way to the set right now, shaking like crazy because you were nervous and cold you went inside and flushed at the sight. There was three other women. All of them had beautiful long hair, a brunette and two blondes, the blonde had curls that were obviously fake, one of the brunettes had wavy hair and the last one had it in a bun so you couldn't tell what her heart type was. All of them were tall, had beautiful shining eyes, perfect skin and makeup and all just beautiful in general with expensive clothes. And there you were, in your f/c ripped jeans, old boots, f/c T shirt that was a little too big, an old jacket and your h/l h/c hanging free, framing your face and no makeup except a little foundation and mascara though you, unlike the others, kept it natural. They seemed younger than you too. Around 17 or 18 and there you were, 21 years, boring clothes and obviously not as pretty as you should have been. Why didn't you dress up better? Why didn't you put more makeup on?
Those questions were racing in your head as you walked around on the set, trying to be as invisible as possible. The others had dressed up so nicely for Tom and you just looked like... You. The shame hit you hard but on the bright side, you looked normal and not unrealistic like the others.
Your thoughts stopped as you bumped into something and fell to the ground on your butt. Great. You looked up and blushed when your Wes met the directors. Great first impression. "I-I'm so sorry about that sir." You muttered as he helped you to your feet and gave you a friendly smile. "No problem Mrs, you must be y/n l/n right? Come here, we're about to start." He followed you too a little stage with some chairs and a big King throne. You already knew who would be sitting there soon. The thought made the blood rush through your body and it didn't help that you got placed on the chair right beside his.
There went a few minutes until the director found the other girls and you were ready to start. At first you were presented. Names, ages, the cities you lived in and the random facts you had written down. The others had mostly said what they liked, if they were virgins or not and favorite foods or where they lived. You had just written you were a cartoon lover, loved reading and spent way too much time online. Basic stuff. You but your lip when you were presented and was more than happy when that part was over, especially because in that second he stepped in and sat on the throne with two girls on each side, one of them being you on his right.
"I am Loki, of Joutenheim, and I am burdened with glorious questions."
He had the chance and he took it. Well done Tom.
"Now, who's your favorite super hero?" Easy. All the others answered Loki but you were more logical. Boring yes, but at least you'd make sense. "I don't have a favorite hero. However, I do like the frost Giants and the neutral God of mischief."
The others looked at you with big eyes as if they didn't understand a thing, but Loki however looked at you with surprise and a bit, maybe curiosity? Well, he was amused as far as you could tell so that was good.
"Not bad mortal. Now, what do you think of this?" The male held up a picture of Thor and one girl answered good while the others said stuff about his looks. "He's cute and got his heart at the right place but he's too hot headed sometimes." Again the others seemed almost annoyed while Loki on the other hand licked his lips and seemed to like your answer. The interview kept on like that, the others flirting with the actor and you answering truthfully but without saying too much about his looks. It went like that for around thirty minutes and you were done. That was all and you were more than happy even though the looks the actor gave you were rather hot around the end. "Excuse me mortal." You froze as you looked up and stared directly into his green lenses. Fuck, he was so hot. "May I talk with you? Alone?" Oh holy fucking shit, your heart was beating way too fast right now, especially because he was still in character. It's not like the producers gave him much of a choice but it just made him more hot. His voice sounded so dominant when he spoke, you wanted to hear more. "Sure." You shrug, hoping your blush isn't as big as it feels.
You follow him to his camper, stepping inside first and he follows after you. You hear a click and it takes you a few seconds before you get what it was. He locked the door. You immediately turn around but he's in front of you, his eyes staring into your e/c ones, his are filled with lust and you can only return the look. "Kneel." Without any hesitation you kneel down in front of him and the smirk on his lips is wonderful and.. Sexy. But why was he like this to you? "You're different y/n. You actually used your brain in that interview unlike the other idiots. I liked that. But.." He trailed off and gently stroked your hair like an owner strokes his pet. "I have one last question for you." His grip in your hair becomes tight and he forces you to look up at him without any other choice. "Will you claim loyalty to me, and be my pet, mine only?" Pet. Lokis pet. Fuck, how could you say no? "Yes my king." You nod, hoping the male would stay in this character for a little longer, just a bit. He pulls you up gently and eyes you. You're smaller than him and that only makes him even more intimidating than he already is. "Strip." His command is short but it's clear he's not gonna argue about it. You slowly strip. First your upper body until you're only in your bra, and then your lower body until you find yourself only in your underwear. Slowly, with slightly shaking hands you take off your last two pieces of clothing and stand there in front of the male you admire, completely naked and uncovered. First now it hits you how humiliating it is. Loki would find it arousing but Tom.. He must think you're a slut. "Good girl." He purrs and walks around you, admiring the body you never really liked but that he seems to love. "Go to the bed and wait there for me." His voice was low and husky, his words dripping with lust as if it was venom. You nod shyly and go to the bedroom, sitting at the corner of the bed you wait for him, shaking a little less but your heart was beating like crazy. Why were you agreeing to this?
Your thoughts stop as he enters the room only In black boxers, his hair is a little more messy and his glorious body is almost shining. Perfection in the form of a human body, if you'd have to be more precise. "Lay down baby, I'll make you see stars tonight." You bite your lip and lay down, now remembering he haven't even kissed you. Doesn't forplay usually start off with kissing? Or have the fanfics you've read lied to you? The idea makes you curious but you down get to think further about it before you feel his soft lips on your neck. Fuck, that spot.. A quiet sound you didn't know you could make escapes your lips as he moves further down, stopping at your breasts. His right hand starts playing with one as his tongue takes care of the other. He starts off gently but soon his touched becomes rough and your upper body gets marked with more and more love bites. Of course he switches after a few minutes and gives the other side the same treatment before moving further down. Your stomach is surprisingly sensitive to his kisses and light touches and your back arch in pleasure while your hands gets tangled into his long, black locks. "Loki, more, please." You beg him to go further, between your legs, to eat you out and to your surprise, he does and by the gods of Asgard, he might have a bad mouth but the things he can do with it are beyond imagination. He sucks, kisses and licks at just the right places, turning you into a mess within minutes and you feel a knot forming in your lower stomach and your legs stiffen. "I'm.." "Oh no you're not." He moves his head away just before you climax and you whine in protest but the smile on his lips tells you he don't care that you're not pleased yet. "You're not gonna cum before I let you. Now, if this.." He looks down at the bulge in his boxers. "Is gonna go into this.." He grinds hard against you and the pleasure is almost unbearable. "We're gonna have to make it more.. Slippery. But sadly I don't have any lube." You knew where this was going already so you decided to have some fun and take him off guard. You pushed him down on his back and before he could protest you had managed to pull down his boxers and take him in your mouth. Never had you in your 21 years believed you were gonna hear the man of your dreams moan like this because of you. His hands quickly got tangled into your h/l hair, some of it fell into your eyes but you didn't care much right now, all that mattered was to get your job done and you wanted to do it well to please the man under you. Taking him deeper and deeper you made his members wet as you possibly could before taking him out of your mouth. The look on his face was priceless. Now he knew how you felt. "You're brave darling. I like that." He growls as he pushes you back under him, his beautiful body hovering over you as he places himself between your legs. Without any warning he thrusts into you, not even thinking about going easy as his hips starts moving In an unbelievable pace. At first it hurt because of his size but after just a few seconds it starts feeling like a true heaven to you. He was hitting just the right spots inside you and his hands were touching the spots that could make you go crazy. "Don't cum before I tell you to." Oh bloody hell, you couldn't hold it in for much longer but the thought of what might happen if you didn't hold back made you curious but also scared you a little so you decided to stay safe and hold it in. His thrusts started to get faster, harder, merciless and no words on this earth could describe how much you wished for this to never end.
As soon as he said that word you tightened around him and came more than ever and of course he followed behind you before laying down by your side. First now you noticed he had taken his contacts out. His beautiful blue eyes were staring at you and they were full of love. "Are you okay darling?" He smiled at you and you nodded, gently pulling his wig off. You liked him better like this. "So.. Was this a one night thing? You know.. Since you were in character?"
He laughs softly and places a light, gentle kiss on your lips before speaking with his silly voice.
"Oh no darling, and who ever said I was in character?"

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