Loki - You are beautiful

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// I'm sorry for the inactivity, I have exams at the moment so I'm always either busy af or really exhausted //

"Bullshit!" You shouted as you left the class, slamming the door loudly behind you. Your teacher had given you an assignment, where you could work in groups or alone. You had chosen to work in a group, not voluntarily though, and your theme was "Insaity". Apparently your group had forgotten who they were with, cause they had agreed in less than 5 seconds, that they should make it about Loki. Your Loki. Or well, not your Loki, he wasn't yours, officially, but in your dreams he were. Anyway, you had chosen to not deal with their shit, so you left. 

A tear was running down your right cheek as you entered the stark tower, quick to wipe it away before you reached your floor. If the others saw you like this, they'd get worried and you didn't want them to be worried. Partly because you didn't want to be a burden, and partly because you didn't want to tell them why you were upset. They all hated Loki, and if they figured out you liked him, they'd think you were under his power like Clint had been. As soon as you entered your room you closed the door quietly and locked it, hoping no one had seen you enter. In the same second, your phone vibrated, signaling you had gotten a text. It was from Spidey.

Spidey: "Hey, I saw you left school early. Did something happen?"

You: "I just got tired of peoples bullshit.."

Spidey: "Y/n, I'm not stupid, I saw you were crying. Does it have something to do with a certain someone?"

He messaged back a lot faster than you expected, and you wanted to smack him for it. He was the only one who knew about Loki, only because you had known him for years. You trusted him. 

You: "We can't talk about this over the phone. Can we meet up somewhere? The Alley in 20 minutes?" 

You didn't get any reply so you chose to lay on your bed for a bit. You grabbed one of your pillows and hugged it, even though you'd prefer a hug from a real person. Thát, person. You mentally slapped yourself and got up, stretching before leaving the tower to see if Peter was actually gonna be at the alley or not. And he was, but as always, he took you by surprise, appearing out of nothing behind your back.

"Y/n!" You jumped as you heard him and turned around, giving him a smile as he embraced you tightly. "I've missed you. Hows my favorite psycho doing?" He asked, a playful smile on his face as he released you, allowing you to breathe. "Breathless and shitty. How about my favorite bug?" "First, spiders aren't bugs. Second, the same, Mr. Stark hasn't answered any of my messages, and last, come here." He took your hand and led you through the old alley to a small coffee shop. And no, the two of you were not dating, you had the same relationships as most siblings, except there were less fights included. The two of you sat down at a table outside and you told Peter about everything at school, everything those idiots had said about Loki. "I honestly don't understand why you defend the guy like that, I mean, he is a little crazy.. But hey, I get your point though, but why did you even chose to work with them? You hate groupwork." Rolling your eyes, you couldn't help but smile. "Steve said he was worried about my "social skills" because I never work in groups or bring people to visit, except you." You explained, internally yelling at Steve, since you knew you could never tell him face to face after all the things he had done for you. If it wasn't for him, you would've been in jail right now. You were quiet a troublemaker a few months ago. 

"Y/n! Why'd you leave class today?" You groan as you look to the other side of the street, locking eyes with two of the girls from your group. "Was it so you wouldn't be late for your date with Parker?" The tallest one spoke, clearly with a voice full of sarcasm. "Don't be stupid.." The other one said, looking at you completely serious in the eyes before opening her mouth again. "She's not beautiful enough for him." That hit the head on the nail. You immediately rose from your seat and ran to the stark tower, taking the elevator to a floor you had been on too many times. The floor where Loki was imprisoned, and you brought some of Tony's drinks with you, the strong ones. 

"Loki!" You called as you exited the elevator, running down the halls to his cell. You couldn't help but crack a small smile at the surprise on his face when he saw you with the alkohol. "Y/n, what's this?" "I want to get drunk with you." You spoke as you unlocked the cell and pulled him out. "Y/n, wait a second, why-" "I don't want to talk about it." You hiss as you pull him into the elevator and press the button to your floor. Around 3 minutes and you should be there. "Lady Y/n, I've known you for months and you've never been like this. Tell me what is bothering you." He spoke, but you completely ignored him and opened a bottle, taking a huge sip before offering it to the raven. He did bring it to his mouth, but you weren't sure if he had taken a sip or not. 

When the doors opened you didn't hesitate to drag the god to your room and slam the door closed. "Lady Y/n, talk to me, please." "Less talking, more drinking." You mumbled and brought the bottle to your lips again before offering it to Loki. "That isn't a very good idea. I have trouble controlling myself around beautiful females when I'm drunk." He said with a smile on his face. A sneaky one. What was he thinking? The words from your group members went through your head again and you leant over to him, a small smile on your lips. "Good thing I'm not beautiful then." You had barely finished the sentence before Lokis lips were on yours and you dropped the bottle to the floor, shattering it completely, but none of you seemed to notice. His lips were soft and warm, even though you had thought they were cold. The kiss itself was so soft and careful, as if he thought the slightest hint of strength might shatter you like the bottle on the floor. "You are beautiful. More than you'll ever know." The god whispered against your lips, not moving more than a mere centimeter away, his eyes half lidded as he looked into yours. "You are beautiful."

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