Tom - private messages

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God today was exhausting, and the worst was it wasn't over yet. It was only 04:30 and you don't get out of the office before 09:45. It felt like forever but someone had to do it. You were working with a book cover. The author had given you a few ideas but had told you to do what you wanted with it, as long as it caught people's eyes. You had taken some of your own pictures. The book was in short about two lovers who's relationship had started off perfectly fine until the man had shown the woman his sadistic side. Not as in "fifty shades" but as in "blood kinks, blue marks, needles, fire play etc" but the woman was too in love with him and ended up becoming his slave. It was sad to think how something so sweet could turn out so cruel, and in the end of the book, the man end up killing his lover by accident, and then later kills himself. It was terrifying but yet so interesting to read. You looked at your screen and was honestly pleased with the cover. Your lover had helped you with the picture though he wasn't very happy about you using it. It was a picture of a naked man and woman, seen from the side, the woman's body pressed up against his and her arms around his neck. Their faces weren't visible , the picture faded out so it was only visible to their jaws. The man had one hand placed lovingly at her lower back and the other held her h/l tightly in an iron grip and just for the drama there was running blood down her thighs from between her legs. Your legs. You and Tom were the people on that cover but you had used a little photoshop and editing skills so no one would be able to recognize any of you. That was one of Toms many conditions for letting you use the picture but it had made the cover perfect. The dark background where you could faintly see the dark playroom and the two of you on the left side, you holding him lovely, and Tom holding you carefully but yet with so much force. The photo shoot had been a pain in the ass for both of you since it was really arousing but none of you could do anything about it before you got home, and you were pretty sure you didn't sleep before 03:00 in the morning because of him, though you had a big part of the fault too.
You snap out of your thoughts when an idea appears in your mind. You grin to yourself and pull out your phone, taking a picture of the cover on your screen and sending it to Tom with the text "like it?" You grin and put your phone on the desk and continue your work.
You're soon interrupted by your phone as it buzzes, and excitement runs through your body as you see the name of your lover on the screen.

Tom: "Oh yes darling, well done, but I still don't like the thought of other men being able to see what's mine."

Y/n: "you know how much I've photoshopped it, that body on the picture isn't even close to mine."

It was true. You had made yourself look way more slim, made your breasts 2 cups smaller/larger and the same with your thighs. Just to make it a bit better you had photoshopped some scars onto it to make it look more realistic, to show the harm the woman's lover had caused her for his own pleasure.
You look back at your phone as it buzzes once again.

Tom: "that is true, the picture isn't close to your perfection."

Your cheeks flush a light pink and you get an idea. You had never tried sexting with Tom before even though you had been together for a few years. You had always been too shy and as the gentleman Tom was he never tried to start it since he knew you'd be too nervous. You take a deep breath and go to the bathroom and lock the door before taking off your shirt and bra, holding a hand over your chest as you take a mirror selfie.

Y/n: "you mean this?"

You blush as you send it to him and take your clothes on again. Time passes. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Fifteen. You start to get worried. Did you scare him? Does he think you're filthy? Was it too much? Finally his name pops up on your screen and your heart beats faster and faster as you read his response.

Tom: "oh god, y/n, I'm at work, it's unfair to tease like that when I can't do anything about it."

You grin to yourself and take your bra off and take a picture of your very thin shirt framing your big/small/medium breasts, and the best part, the shirt is white and easy to see through.

Y/n: "I miss you~"

This time his reply comes almost as soon as you've pressed send.

Tom: "I should do something about that. Be ready in 20 minutes darling."

You flush bright red and get your bra on again. 20 minutes? Shit, what shall you tell your boss? Oh god, with your red face it'll be easy to convince him you have a fever. You grin to yourself as you pack up your stuff and go downstairs. As soon as you're out the door you're in Toms arms. He hugs you from behind and you can feel his erection against you. "You've been a naughty girl y/n."
"Punish me then."
"Oh darling trust me, I will."

// sorry it's kinda shitty but I just wrote it out of boredom. I promise to make a better one next time!//

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