Tom - Small surprises

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// requested by @@Fridamuller12//

"Mommyyyyyy when will daddy be home? He promised to read me a story tonight!" You smile hopelessly and look down at your four year old daughter, Rose. "I'm sure he'll be home soon princess, want me to call and check on him?" She looks up at you with her best puppy eyes and nod, smiling happily when you pull out your phone. She had been very daddy-sick lately. Missed him all the time, and she refused to sleep before he had at least told her goodnight. "Hello?" You smile when Tom pick up. Fast as usual. "Hello darling. You have two people here waiting eagerly for you to come home and say goodnight." You smile stupidly at yourself when you hear him laugh and you can sense his happiness all the way home. Hopefully he'd be back soon, you had missed him terribly much, even though he had left for work later than usually that morning, which was partly your fault for not letting him out of bed. "I'll be home in thirty minutes darling. Will you tug Rose in and get her ready for bed in the meantime?" "Of course. Be careful okay?" Once again you can hear him laugh softly as he whispers he loves you into the phone and hangs up. Well then, thirty minutes.. This was gonna be fun.

"Okay Rose, time to brush your teeth." "Nope!" The little girl smile playfully and starts running around the house. Who ever learned that kid to play tag.. The house fills with laughter as the two of you run around, up and down the stairs, jumping in the beds, and before you know it you're sitting on the floor after bumping into something. Well, more like someone actually. "I thought you were gonna get her ready for bed?" You look up and smile as Tom is in front of you, reaching out to help you up. You take his hand and steal a kiss on your way up. "I was, but she had other plans." You joke and realize you haven't let go of his hand yet, though it's not like you were going to do it anyway. "Well then, where's the little princess who's brave enough to go against the king hm?" "Probably hiding in our bed again." You hint and grin as he goes upstairs to check. Little did he know she wasn't there. "Rose?" You walk into the bathroom and just like you thought, she's hiding in a pile of towels. "Daddy is home, quick, we have to hide." You giggle and take her hand, sneaking around the house and into the living room, hiding behind the big couch. "Now, be quiet, or daddy will find us." You whisper and your daughter nods, trying to silence her giggles when you hear footsteps from the stairs. "My, I wonder where those two went.. Maybe they disappeared?" You bite your lip as you can hear him coming closer. He knew what you were doing, this happened every Friday. Almost weekend meant Rose could stay up a little later and play when Tom got home. Yet, every time you somehow managed to find new places to hide. "Maybe the kitchen.." You hear the male mumble to himself, as if he didn't want you to hear and quiet footsteps leave the room. Never underestimate an actor. You peek up from your hiding place and he seems to be gone.. "Gotcha!" You squeal as he comes up from behind and grabs the both of you, attacking Rose with tickles and you with kisses. "Now princess, I think you should listen to the king and get ready for bed. Ten minutes, run run run." Rose giggles and wriggles out of his grip, her cheek red from all the running and laughing as she goes to brush her teeth. "Sneaky." You mumble as you lean back against Toms chest and close your eyes. Your heart was still beating so fast... "Of course darling, if I wasn't sneaky then how would I ever have been able to play the God of Mischief?" Not surprised by his answer, you roll your eyes and get up, offering him a hand that he happily takes. "Will you tug her in? I have to go get something." You ask, giving him the same puppy eyes as your daughter gave you, though hers were a little better. The tall male kisses your head and nods, a happy smile on his face. "Of course, but, I never got a proper welcome home kiss." He pouts and you can't deny it's pretty cute, so, better give the man what he wants. You lean up and plant a soft kiss on his lips, smiling into it as you whisper "Welcome home husband."

While Tom tugs the little girl in and reads for her, you sneak into the bedroom and finds a small present you prepared for Tom earlier today. You smile to yourself as you put it on the bed and go downstairs, quietly sneaking into Rose's room, seeing Tom is still reading for her even though she's sound asleep. "She looks like you." You mumble quietly and place your hands on his shoulders from behind. "Really? I don't see it.." "Silly.. When she smiles, and her laugh is just like yours. Her eyes shine the exact same way when she's happy, and she's pretty tall for her age." You can feel he tries to hold back a small laugh as he gets up from the floor and the two of you sneak out of the room, quietly closing the door behind you.

"Come, I have a surprise for you." You smile like a little child as you lead your now very curious husband upstairs to the bedroom where a small, white present with gold ribbons are waiting for him on the bed. "Open it." You give him a light push and he raises a brow at you. "What's the occasion? Did you break something?" You laugh at his questions, knowing he's just kidding and you push him down on the bed, placing yourself in his lap as you hand him the present. "Open it open it open it please." You plead and he finally obeys, carefully removing the ribbon first, then the paper, only to find a small, silver box. "Darling what is it?" He asks as he removes the top and his eyes widen as he stares down into the box as if he has seen a ghost. "Y/n, are you?.." You nod eagerly and smile widely as you hold his hands. "I'm pregnant." You whisper and he instantly hugs you closely while showering your face in kisses. "Y/n this is amazing!" He smiles happily and his eyes shine like stars as he gets the two of you off the bed and lifts you up, swirling you around in his arms. "I'm gonna be a father again.. When did you take the test?" "While you were at work. I thought I'd tell you tonight so we can tell Rose tomorrow, together." "My little princess is gonna be a big sister.." He whispers and pulls you close, placing a soft kiss on your head. "God y/n, I love you so much." He speaks and gets down on his knees, lifting your shirt lightly to kiss your stomach. "I love you." You feel tears of joy behind your eyes and run your hand through his hair before he gets back on his feet. "I love you Thomas." You look up into his blue eyes and he kisses you gently, one hand in your hair and the other on your stomach. "I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl." "Neither can I, my love."

// thinking about making a part two where they find out the gender.. Anyone up for that? //

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