Loki - I belong to no one, except you

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// this text is rather long, a little over 4000 words, just so you're warned //

Finally. Only 2 hours until closing time and you'd be able to get back to your beloved bed. The thought alone made you sigh, but you still had one costumer back. He had booked a rather long appointment and you couldn't quite remember which piece he had requested. You had at least 10 laying ready on your desk, so you'd have to start looking before he came. You rose from your seat and started looking, finally finding the tattoo the man had requested last time he was there. Your colleague had just given it to you since he didn't want to tattoo the man. He didn't like him, so of course it had been passed onto you. You huffed to yourself as you got everything ready. Found a new needle, put some tissues out, filled your water bottle, etc. As you waited for the unknown male to show up, your mind wandered a bit. It was weekend in only two days, and before then you'd have to find someone who'd be able to keep you company. You hated being alone for so long, and besides, who said no to some affection and a fun night out? Definitely not you. A few years ago, you would've said no without a seconds' hesitation and "saved yourself" for the right boy. Now, your virginity was gone long ago, and you partied every weekend. All because of Stark. That man really had his ways with women, and he was well aware of it.
The memory sends a cold shiver down your spine and you get goosebumps. Maybe you should find a hoodie, it was getting a little cold, but still, tattoing with long sleeves was just a bother. Your low-cut tops were more practical.

The sound of a door slamming pulled you out from your thoughts and you looked to the door, your mouth dropping to the floor. The male was gorgeous. Long, wavy black hair that hung to his shoulders and framed his pale face, making his green eyes and sharp cheekbones pop. He was tall and slender, but you could see he was hiding some muscles under the white t shirt. You tried not to drool at the sight, and luckily you pulled yourself together when he looked at you. "I'm sorry I'm late, the bloody traffic was horrible." Oh god, that accent. His voice was so smooth and deep, you felt like your knees were getting weak under you. If you were lucky, you'd found your weekend company.

"Welcome sir, may I take your coat?" He didn't even answer, simply handing you the coat that he had been carrying on his arm as he walked to the room in the back. He had definitely been there before. "If you'll just take a seat I will- oh god..." Your jaw definitely dropped all the way to the basement this time. His shirt was gone, and he was already in the chair, clearly waiting for you. "I'm sorry, I didn't seem to catch your name miss." "Oh, it's y/n, a pleasure to meet you sir." You already knew his name, it was written in the schedule. "This is the piece you wanted, right?" You held up a drawing of the nine realms, it was some simple lineart but it was really beautiful. You'd have to get something similar next time you got paid. "Yes, that's it." He spoke as he laid down and rolled onto his back, placing his arms under his head and rested his chin upon them. "Down the spine, no colors." He spoke as if he was giving you orders. Wait... was he giving you orders? You definitely wouldn't mind if he did that in the- No, you had to stay focused, you had to stay professional. "Yes sir." And you swore you could see his mouth curl into a smirk as those words had left your lips.

You were almost done with the tattoo, 15 minutes until you'd have to close and thank Odin for that. It was impossible for you to focus when a god-like man was laying beneath you. His back muscles were impressive, his arms were stronger than Thor himself and his ass... Jesus, you really needed to go to church with the thoughts you were having. The thought alone made you laugh out loud and Loki was probably wondering why, but he didn't ask. Of course, there was no way you were going to tell him even if he did. "Aaaand... we're done." You spoke and smiled, fixing the last few things up and putting some wrapping over it. "How much will it be then?" Damn, not even a thank you? He really was a cold one. "230 sir, it only took an hour and it was a small piece so it's not too much." You smiled at him, first not properly noticing the big piece on his left arm. A full sleeve, covered with Norse symbol, a tree and something that could look like the same pattern as the one on Thors armor on the shoulder. Interesting. He probably liked Norse mythology then, well, of course he did, he was a part of it after all. "Here you go." He paid in cash, and he didn't even need any change. That was new, but not bad. "This might seem a little odd, but are you doing anything on-""I'll stop you right there miss y/n. I am not interested in going out with you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have things to do and places to be."

Tom Hiddleston imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن