More Than You Bargained For

Start from the beginning

As long as he didn't know why I had done it, it was more bearable. It would make the pain less effective.

I eyed the small dagger as he told me to face the wall. He's been doing this for years. Ever since he found out about my little 'gift', he'd cut me as a form of reprimand for my sins.

A future friar shouldn't be sinning in the first place.

I gasped as I felt the initial bite of the blade. It cut deep into my skin, just below my shoulder blade and dragged all the way down to the small of my back.

I scratched the wall in an attempt to level the stinging pain but to no avail as I couldn't take it anymore and I cried out. The walls of the room were sound proof so I knew it was useless but still.

I bit my lip hard as he started again and again, feeling the liquid that contained life, or what was left of it, running down my sides.

"Hey, Gerard," I turned around and frowned slightly on seeing Lindsey. Why was she making this harder than it needed to be? I broke up with her two days ago. And seeing her so close was only reopening the wounds. The same wounds on my back that my mother spent hours bandaging up.

"What can I help you with Lindsey?" I asked, calmly, or what I has thought was calm. She pursed her lips and looked up at me.
"Can we talk?"
"Seriously Gerard," She sighed, we've been together for almost seven years..." She said, stepping closer to my locker. I was conscious of the situation and managed to look away.

"Do you really want to throw all that we went through away, just like that?" She asked quietly and I leaned against the locker and groaned, the mental pressure becoming too much.

"Lindsey," I groaned. She pressed her lips and shook her head, laughing. "Oh, I get it," She began, crossing her arms over her chest.

"This is about Frank, isn't it?" I stared at her in disbelief before I scoffed.
"Oh please Gerard, spare me the crap. Ever since he came you've been so invested in him and barely spent any time with me. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were going behind my back and--"

"And what Lindsey?" I interrupted, very pissed at what she was accusing me of.

"You'd really think that I would cheat on you just because of a loser like him? That is far from the truth," I paused when I saw that she was looking behind me and I turned around, praying silently that it wasn't who I thought it was.

But of course, he was standing there, appalled by the words that had come out of my mouth.

"Hi Frank," I said gingerly but he held up his hand and I felt myself deflate. "Glad to know how you really think of me," He said before turning around and walking out, ignoring my calls.

"Fuck," I groaned, closing my eyes. Only for me to hear Lindsey giggle and I looked at her in anger. I could literally feel my blood boil.

"Guess your little buddy's mad at you," She jeered and I ignored her, turning around, leaving her there in order to look for Frank. I searched everywhere but I just couldn't fond him.

I mean, he was little but not that little that I couldn't find him.

The bell rang and I spot him about to enter his math class when I saw someone shove him harshly, calling him a 'dirty whore'.

He kept shoving him and Frank looked helpless at first before he backed up and swung his fist straight up his jaw.

The boy, who I later identified as Tyler, pressed his palm against his jaw as he glared at Frank. I took this opportunity to intervene.

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