As I stood by the stove scrambling eggs, I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. I turned my head to see a barefooted Zana still in her night shirt with her tousled hair.
She looked so breathtaking. I stared for a while before remembering the task as hand. She came to sit on one of the high chairs at the kitchen island.

"Good morning" she said as she brushed her fingers through her hair. I didn't know if she did that unconsciously or if she was trying to look presentable for me.

"Good morning. Hope you slept well" I asked flashing her one of my dashing smiles over my shoulder.

"It was good. Thanks for asking" she shyly replied.

"And the baby?" I awkwardly asked.

"The baby is fine." She said.

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden" she questioned from where she sat.

I didn't know the whole reason for that, just that this was us now and I wanted us to be friends, love was out of the scene but friendship and mutual respect could be given.

"I don't want us to be at each other's throat, we will soon be parents and I want us to be friends" I truthfully said as I turned off the stove.

She seemed lost in thought for a while before returning her gaze to me.

"Yeah I would like that" she nodded.

I set a plate in front of her and dished out some of the scrambled eggs for her then went to bring the French toast and orange juice.

I felt her eyes follow me as I moved around the kitchen but quickly averted my gaze when I turned. I prepared a plate for myself and sat on the stool opposite her.

"Thanks for breakfast." She announced as she hungrily ate.

All I did was to watch her eat. She must really be hungry, I thought to myself. After a minute of shoving food into her mouth, she shyly raised her head to look at me.

"I know I'm eating like a pig, but I eat for two now"

"I understand, I don't really mind. Do you want more?" I asked her, which she heartily nodded.

I stood up to get her more of the scrambled eggs, which she thanked me for and resumed her eating.
I took my seat again but this time not eating. She had her head bowed down a little. I studied her features as she ate, from her forehead to her eyes framed by long lashes to her pixie nose to her round cheeks and finally to her luscious full lips. Those lips I wanted to kiss so badly.

I didn't realize I had been caught staring till I heard her clear her throat. Damn, what was wrong with me. I hurriedly picked up my fork and started shoving food into my mouth.

After breakfast, she insisted on helping me wash the dishes and clean up. We stood side by side with me washing the dishes and she towel drying them.

She smelled so good and it felt natural with her standing next to me. Like it was meant to be.

Since it was a Saturday, I was off work and didn't have anything better doing. I couldn't tell if she had plans or not.
Maybe we could go out or watch some movies or something, I thought to myself. But how to ask her without coming across desperate was going to be the difficult part.

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