"Akashi Seijuro, that would be my nii-san over there."

Seiji grabbed the chair that Midorima was sat on, and turned it to the other direction; making him face Seijuro who was sat on the bed.


Seijuro greeted, his tone instantly sending shivers up Midorima's spine.


"The one and only." Seiji chuckled. "I'm joking of course."

The bewildered Midorima looked back at the other Akashi. He had a sinister smirk on his face, so he quickly faced ahead, not wanting to look at the person behind him.

"Who would have thought that you, Midorima Shintarou, would be tied up in this room." Akashi Seijuro said.

"That sounded dirty, nii-san. I bet he'll allow Kazunari to do that to him." Seiji taunted, teasingly poking Midorima's cheek causing the latter to curse under his breath.

All it took was one warning glance from Seijuro for his twin to stop and back off. Midorima noted that this Akashi is more perilous than the other, but the guy behind him is also menacing

What a dangerous combination

"What are you planning, Akashi?" Midorima gritted his teeth.

"I don't want to dirty my hands, Midorima." Seijuro spoke, his eyes cold and distant. "So I suggest that you listen to every single thing that I'll say."

"As long as you don't hurt me." Midorima negotiated. "Then it's a deal."

Seijuro's lips twitched into a smirk. He nodded his head and sat formally.

"I'm glad that you are willing to talk this out."

"I've been kept in the dark for too long." Midorima frowned. "I want to know everything."

"Everything huh?" Seijuro chuckled before looking at his twin. "Untie him."

"Yes sir~" Seiji hummed, instantly obeying his twin.

When the ropes were finally lose, Midorima rubbed his wrists to ease the pain and suddenly felt something sharp against his neck. He froze and looked at Seijuro who seems to be uninterested at the scene unfolding in front of him.

"Don't try and do anything stupid, Shin-chan. I got my eye on you."

Midorima swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and nodded.

"That's a good boy~" Seiji purred before releasing him.

Midorima didn't bother to look back since death was basically waiting for him the moment he turns around.

"Are you ready to listen now?" Seijuro spoke, signalling at his twin to stand beside him in which he did.

Midorima straightened his posture, avoiding eye contact with the heterochromatic ones and focusing on the pair of red eyes instead.

"I'm all ears, Akashi."

"I will get straight to the point," Seijuro nodded. "There is indeed two of us. Mother gave birth to two children, I am the oldest child; Akashi Seijuro. And the younger is my twin, who is standing beside me, Akashi Seijiro."

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