I want her to enjoy her prom but I won't force her to dance if she doesn't want to. I got her food and drinks and it was all great. It was simple and that's what I adore about being with her.

"Oh, I love this song," Heart in my Hands was playing and I saw my chance.

"Would you like to dance?"

"No no. I-I couldn't. I'm a terrible dancer." She laughed nervously and it was the cutest thing I've witnessed so far.

"I don't care. Just dance with me babe."

She thought about it for a second before agreeing. She took my hand and I led her away from the table we were at. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I rested my hands at her waist. "I feel self conscious."

"Why? You look perfect." I spun her and her dress moved freely. It was a strapless, pale rose colored dress. The bottom half of her dress kinda looked like pleated flower petals to me with some dotting on the sides. Her belt sparkled as light bounced off of it.

She returned to my arms and I rested my forehead against hers. "My dress isn't as extravagant as the other girls..."

"No, its not," she punched my arm and I smiled, "It's better. It's what makes you stand out from all the other girls. Your my Joni and my Joni doesn't need a poofy dress to feel beautiful. She just needs to be...Joni." She stopped swaying and looked at me.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Anything." She grabbed my hand and led me out of the promenade. Woah. Never used that word before. Promenade. Prooom-e-nadeee... Anywho. She pulled me outside and dragged me to the back of the school. This is where they would travel class to class and there was a park area here. "You're not gonna kill me or anything, right?"

"What! No! No... Maybe." I drew my hand from hers and backed away slowly. "I'm just kidding," she walked over to me and pushed me on the ground before laying on top of me. She kissed me then rested her head on my chest. Oh god, her hair smelled amazing. "I-I wanted to tell you that... I'm... I love you, Dana."

"Ahem, what?"

"I love you..."

"Oh Joni," I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close, "I love you too..." Joni loves me and I love Joni. A smiled was brought to my face. I kissed the top of her head and we laid there for awhile. I'm in love, with the most precious human on earth, Joni.

A/N: WOO! ILYs are cute.

hoped you like it <3 I already have the next chappie written. It's gonna be a doozy.

Be happy, smile, and love yourself because you are beautiful and amazing and I love you <3 <3



"Can I go over your place?" She crawled off of me and sat on the ground.

"For?" Why would she want to stay at my place for?

"Just...cause," she kissed me, "I'll beat you to the car!" She got up and started running. I smiled and ran after her. I grabbed her waist and picked her up. But I ended up putting her back down because she wanted a piggy back ride.

We, again, held hands the whole ride. We never did stay for the entire prom... Oh well. At least she seems happy.

I went to go unlock my front door and she wasn't far behind, wrapped up in my jacket. "We're here. Now what?" She threw my jacket on the hook then grabbed my hand and pulled me to my own bedroom. She closed the door behind us.

"Um... I'm still a very clueless boy, babe."

"Eh, you always are. Now... Help me." She turned her back to me and moved her hair to one side.

"Help with what?"

"My dress, silly."

"Okay..." I approached her and unzipped her dress and it falls to the ground. I hugged her from behind, placing my hands over hers. I just kinda stood there and gathered up the Joni smell.

She turned around and started kissing me. Then when we were making out...she started to undo my shirt buttons. "Um, ok..." I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away from me. "You... You do realize what you're doing, right?" She nodded. "Are you ready Joni? You don't have to you know. We don't have to rush anything..."

She stepped closer to me. "I'm ready Dana," she kissed me again, "thanks for asking though." We started making out again and I picked her up and carried her to my bed. I hovered over her whilst I kissed her and she was undoing my pants button. "Do you have..."

"Yeah yeah." I grabbed the condom from my pants pocket and slipped it on. "I love you Joni..."

"I love you too Dana."

A/N: .............................................nopenopenopenopenopenopenope

never doing that again. enjoyyyyyyy.

I feel dirty now. lol.


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