It Begins

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          The other day, after we returned to the palace, Taehyung warned me from being alone. He said to always have a guard with me if I exit my room. I was scared. I didn't even know what I was scared of, but I was.

I decide to wait outside the officils building until Yoongi comes out. He's been very busy lately and has had no time to meet with me. Instead of seeing my king open the door, Scribe Hoseok leaves the building.

"Good morning Lady Hye-Rin," Hoseok greets me.

"Good morning, is the emperor going to be done soon discussing with his officias?" I ask.

Hoseok looks slightly worri, "I'm afraid not."

"Why? What's going on?" I ask more hurriedly.

"Ladies shouldn't deal in political affairs," he snaps. Hoseok looks taken aback by his own words.

I feel embarrassed so I don't pursue him any further. Instead I make my way towards the library so I can try to read. I've been starting to read history stories that the queen has recommended me. She is more fascinating by the books in the library than I am.

As I enter the library I spot one of the queen's maids scanning the books on the shelf. "What do you think you're doing?" I walk over to her, sceptical of her behavior.

She jumps when she hears my voice and immediately turns around. Her eyes look terrified. The maid lowers her head in submission and begins to explain herself, "Forgive me Lady Hye-Rin, the queen has requested for me to bring her a book on medicine."

"It is not your place to take a book from the royal library, I'll take the queen a book," I say.

I have never read a medical book before, so I had trouble finding where one would be. After retrieving a book titled "Joseon herbal medicines", I have the maid lead me back to the queens quarters.

The queen is having her hair pinned as I walk into her room. She had very long hair, which I rarely saw down. Holding up a small mirror, Queen Min greets me, "Good day Lady Hye-Rin."

I bow and say my pleasanries, "I brought you the book you requested." She watches as I place the book beside her on the table.

"It will suffice." She nods to a maid to get her a glass of water. "You have changed."

I am surprised by how the conversation changed, "What?"

"Do you still play in the rain? Prance around the garden? Write in the book you used to always carry around?" She askes.

I just stare at her in confusion. Why is she bringing this up all of a sudden?

"Didn't I tell you, warn you? The palace changes people, whether you like it or not." She says.

Looking at my feet, I finally answer, "I've just grown up, there's nothing wrong with that. I came here as a child now I'm an adult."

"When was the last time you thought about your aunt and uncle?" She ignores me.

My hands start to shake slightly, I was overcome with such emotion. "Why are you doing this?" I asked with a tint of anger in my voice.

"Some times we need reminded of reality. We can be come disillusioned and start from our beliefs." Before I can let her do any more damage, I walk quickly to the door. "Wait!" She orders, making me halt.

The Royal Concubine (please read edited version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora