Not Enough

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When someone's born in the world, they are destined to do something. Anything, even if it doesn't mean much, we're made to complete our life. We breathe, we walk, we fall, we talk, we laugh, we cry, we fall in love, and in the end we turn to dust and ash and we're forgotten. That's what we were meant to be, ashes and dust. I understood this, everyone dies. But I knew for sure that I still had a purpose in this world and maybe I'd die without completing it.

I hadn't known what had happened at first. All I knew what was happening after. The maids burst in with lanterns while guards followed swiftly behind. My senses were numb. The queen was passed out on the floor, blood tainted vomit pooling from her mouth. The guards carry her away. Shouts arise in the vicinity of my room. The moment felt bitter on my lips.

        "My lady!"

        "Are you alright?        

        "Call the doctor!"

        I mumble, "I'm alright," but I'm laid down and hands feel my forehead.

        "Of course you're not, you've been infected!," the older maid shouts. My ears ring but I'm so shocked in the moment. "Quick alert the Emperor, but advise him to stay away, she's contagious," she hisses to another maid.

        "Min Yoongi?" I ask my lashes suddenly wet. They peer down at me, looking sympathetic and ignoring my informal address of him. I close my eyes and I think of moments we've shared together. It felt like we had walked in the rain only a couple days ago.

        Minutes turn to a full hour, and the doctor comes in. I keep silent as he prods and feels my pulse. He sighs deeply. His face is worried, wrinkles defining his face, "You don't have much time left, 5 days at least to prepare until symptoms emerge."

        I swallow hard, "What happens now?"        

        "Well, I suggest you should be relocated in order to not continue infecting others. The king's health after all is of great importance."                                                                                                                

        I nod, "Of course." I wonder how he's doing right now. Has he already been informed? Then I ask the question that had been wandering my mind though I already knew the answer.

        "Will I live?"


        "It would be a miracle"

        The doctor leaves promptly and my chambers are quarantined for the time being. Arrangements are made for me to leave to a hidden cabin in the mountains. I was told the queen had already been moved to a secure location. All I had to do was wait, I was planning on saying my goodbyes in letter form. Other than being infected with a fatal disease, I felt fine. I was confined to my room in utter solemnity. I curled up in my bed. But in the end I didn't have much time to wait for Min Yoongi to visit me. It was right before the sun rose when angry knockings pounded at my door.

        "MO HYE-RIN," his voice is heartbreakingly full of emotion. My heart flutters, he shouldn't be here. His pounds are threateningly close to breaking the thin doors open. In a moments decision of panic I dash to hide. My wooden wardrobe serves as a perfect spot and just in time I close the doors, only a sliver of a crack serving as a viewing point. He bursts through wildly and eyes in disbelief at my empty bed. He swivels around and looks around the room. "COME OUT AT ONCE." Rage is obvious in his dark eyes. I dare not breath a sound and tilt my head back, he's too restless for his own good. He spots me and makes a move to probably break the doors.

"You'll be infected, go away," he freezes in step at my words.

"I'd rather die no with you than eventually catch the plague and die alone." His sight is set stone on mine.

God he was so infuriating, "Don't speak in that matter your highness, you have to lead the country."

"Come out," he growls.

"Please calm down."

 He glares at the wardrobe doors.

"Please." I try again with a softer tone. Reluctantly he stumbles back onto my bed and wraps a fist in my silky sheets.

"I'm leaving soon."

"I'll go with you."

"You can't"

"I will," he barks. By now his voice is cracking.

"You have to think rationally, the nation is depending on you and now's not the time to break,."

"I'm a bad person Hye-Rin and I want to be selfish and leave with you."

It takes every ounce of power in my body to not think sanely and fulfill his selfish desires, I have some of my own too.

 However I won't let my emotions get in the way of a crucial moment of life or death.

"What do you want to do?" he asks me. "I'll do anything you want, tell me you want me to run away with me and spend our last days together, tell me nothing else matters and that I'm enough for that. Tell me!" His eyes pour tears that rock my heart.

I shut my eyes, "I'm sorry but you're not enough."

I can feel his heart break, he roars an inhuman sound. I place my hands on my ears and wait for what seems like hours until he's no longer there.

A/N: Hey guys, it's Lori! I hope you had a great week. This is only part one of a very exciting chapter and will update soon. PLEASE keep showing commenting because that makes us unbelievably happy and encourages us to write sooner through our crazy school schedule.  What did you think of this chapter btw? Thanks

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