Cruel Emperor

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"Are you alright Lady Hye-Rin?" I don't answer the concerned servant and curl back into a fetal position. Tears poured freely from my eyes and I dug my face into the silk sheets. Last nights events replayed over and over again in my head, the reason as to why the place in between in my legs ached painfully. Blood stained the sheets and my nightgown. For the first time in my life I had actually met the face of cruelty.

The night before:

The Emperor pulled me close to him, catching me off guard and connected his lips to mine. He groaned into my mouth before pulling away and gave me a dead set look, one of animal instinct. He lifted me roughly by my waist and laid me on the bed. Using his bubble gum pink tongue, he wetted his lips. His pupils went black and smashed our mouths together again. I wrapped my hands into his hair feverishly, he tasted like sugar but I knew he was poison. The Emperor returned my passion and ripped off his night robe. He lifted his lips to my forehead and I closed my eyes. Slowly we were connected and I was consumed by the pain. I screamed into the night, protesting by knocking my fists on his chest. I felt like I was being torn apart. Tears swam from my clenched eyes but he did not stop.

He wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry." After, he released me slowly and dressed himself. The Emperor looked devastated through my wet lashes and he whispered, "Your innocence had to be tainted at some point... I hope know you see how much of a monster I truly am." I pushed his hand, that laid carefully on my thigh, away and turned to the wall. He left, a part of me with him.

The rest of the day I spend thinking and lying in bed. At some point I wobble, with the help of Scribe Hoseok, to my own chambers. He looked at me with pity and sadness and told me, "I'm sorry it had to be this way for you." I didn't respond but after he left, I angrily grabbed a tea cup and threw it to the floor. The beautiful cup scattered dramatically into millions of pieces, just like my heart.

Maids came in soon after to clean up the mess I made. "Would you like a hot bath, Miss?" One of the maids stood by my bed, staring at my weak frame. I shook my head slowly. I couldn't meet the eyes of any of the women. I didn't have to look to know their expressions were saddened. My tangled, sweaty hair suck to my sickly looking face. I brushed it away with a weary hand and closed my eyes, waiting to be left alone.

Footsteps echoed into my room, I adjusted my body to have a better view of the visitor. All heads, even my own, lowered heavily at the sight of the Queen. She stayed quiet as her eyes wandered my body. I could feel my hands start to quiver. Did I have a new fear of royalty?

"Rise," Queen Min said distastefully. Her feet moved fast to stand directly in front of me, "Leave us."

The maids scattered to the door, keeping their heads bent slightly down. My eyes slowly raised to meet hers. I almost gasped as the smirk that played on her lips. Her eyes held power, something I have seen before in Emperor Min's eyes. I clench my teeth at her mockery. She kept that position for awhile before she finally spoke.

"It seems that the Emperor opened his present... maybe even ripped the bow trying to get to it." She left out a soft chuckle. Did she find this amusing? I sure as hell didn't.

My eyes hardened at the women with the same face as mine. I was disgusted to see a look playing on a face such as hers. She caught onto my discomfort and sat on the corner of my bed, staring ahead of her. Her lips pealed down into a grimace.

"Though it's like he has forgotten about me." She now turned to face me, "Why does he need you when he has me." Her voice rose.

That question came to mind. The queen did not have any children. Was she unable to bare any? It would be more appropriate for the Queen to bare the Emperor's child, even though the concubine could carry one as well.

"Taewongun knows nothing. He has already murdered my dear cousin and his mother, but I'm not going to be taken down that easily, by him or you." She stands up and makes her way to the door. without looking back at my shocked expression, she leaves. I stare at the door, eyes widened. The pain broke through my shock and I quickly made myself comfy on my bed. I sighed, tightly closing my eyes to forget about the days events.

The whole court was informed of our bonding by the evening. Though I was still shaken by the Empress's visit, I manged to live. A priest came to my chambers to lead a prayer and "bless" my womb. I was placed in the middle of a circle as many official lit candles around me, praying that I carried the crown prince. Red and gold blurred my surroundings as the fire ignited. I knew I had to have the Emperor's children but was it wrong on my part that I hoped I wasn't pregnant? Such rash actions isn't suitable for a blessed child.

Finally the priests left me alone to bathe in treated bath salts. My mind was a flushed mess as I sank into the warmth of the water and slowly I sunk to the bottom. Suddenly I was swimming with my sisters in the bath, an illusion my mind had developed as I continued to drown underwater. The once heated infused water felt like ice prickling up by arms. All I could hear was the imaginative giggles of little girls and their green eyes luring me further into oblivion. I smiled into the blue, laughing alongside them. My hair floated into a black snake, dancing around me until it dangled on my neck. It tightened its hold like a noose, the air cut off from my lungs. I laughed even harder, bubbles escaping from my mouth. I clawed at my neck over and over again, I couldn't breathe. What seemed like days passed by when a hand wrapped around my waist.

I fought against air as I emerged. Screams echoed and I found them to be my own.

"Hye-Rin" I recognized the voice of the Emperor but I couldn't seem to open my eyes. I feel myself enveloped into something warm and I'm pushed into his chest. I can't help but breathe in relief as he rocks me back and forth. "I'm sorry-" his voice breaks off into sobs, he hugs me closer.

I drift off to sleep wondering if this had been all a dream.


An- the below picture is a challenge for us authors. Pick a number and we will answer the question in the following chapter - Paige & Lori

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