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The emperor was beyond furious and was set off into a sense of protection. Understandably so, his future heir had been compromised. Or at least that's how everyone viewed it. No one really understood the genuine care he carried for me, I could hardly believe it myself.

He refused to let me out of his sight which was nice for a change. His usual busy activities that came entitled with his role as the leader of this country was unnerving for my selfish desires that wanted him only to dictate his attention to me. Everytime he had to leave really caused for me to miss him dearly and greed for more of his attention.

"Hye-Rin? Aren't you exhausted by now. Today was a day I will never forget. I can never take back what you experienced," Yoongi whispered into my hair as he stroked locks of it in his hands. I was indecently laying on top of him in the sitting room of the temple, trying to regain my senses back.

I sighed and turned my face into his neck, replying back with the same low tone, "I am just glad that nothing major happened and that I was saved from a horror in the making."

"Yes, but I am enraged at how easy it was for anyone to make a move meant for attack on a royal member!" he exclaims and I feel his pulse start to race on my lips.

"Yoongi, don't continue to risk your own well being by stressing yourself out. We now know that they're planning something dangerous and we can be more prepared in case something rash occurs."

"They're? You know who they are?" His voice raises quickly.

My face heats up, knowing he caught me. I pressed my lips to his neck, "It was just a choice of words. I have no idea who we're dealing with."

"My mistake." He rubs little circles tenderly on my skin and he calms down. "There won't be any more chances, I will not permit such mahogany occurring within the palace. Mark my words Hye-Rin, I vow to protect anyone under my guard." His tone is grave and it is like a bucket of cold water that sets in the reality of it all.

The queen seemed too ill to continue with the festivities. She pleaded to go back to her room and Yoongi had no choice but to comply to her wishes. Before departing for the night she approached me and cupped my cheek, she leaned in to embrace me when she lifted her lips to my ear hidden by my hair.

"Beware, Hye-Rin, of who you trust. This pit is full of venomous snakes that aren't afraid to bite, " and with that, the queen melted away into the night leaving me more confused than ever.

With feverish thoughts I tried to grasp an idea of what was occurring. I was under the idea that people didn't ever go against the word of royalty, never less try to merely walk in and kill an empress. Of course there were attempted murders before to take over the empire but never to this extent.

When I get back to my bedroom, Kim Taehyung and another gaurd stood watch outside the door. "Don't worry Lady Hye-Rin, you'll be safe with us." Taehyung smiles warmly.

I tried to give the same gesture, but only my real emotions were shown. I wanted to be with Min Yoongi, but he was still entertaining his guests, it wasn't too late into the night.

"Do you wish you could be at the festival instead of looking after me?" I plainly ask.

The Sergeant Major's eyes grow wide, "Of course not my Lady, I want nothing more than to protect you!" I giggle at his response and enter my room.

All I could hear was my heartbeat. The dark room felt familiar, safe, and warm; nothing like how I felt when I first arrived at the palace. Leaning against the nearest wall, I sink to the floor. My maids were ordered not to take care of me, only the head maid was allowed inside my bedroom for the time being. A thumping pain began in my right hand again. I needed to have it looked at, but I wanted nothing to do with people right now.

Using my other hand, I pulled out all the pins in my hair and set them gently beside me. Shaking my head back and forth, loose curls flow down my back. I stare at the wall on the other side of the room. I lift my body to move to the bathroom so I can take a bath.

After recalling what my maids use to soak in, I turn on the water and pour in the scented leaves. Next was my large dress, the most difficult procedure.

I wanted to scream with frustration but my dress was half off and I didn't need Taehyung and the other gaurd to barge in here thinking I was hurt. I sit on the bathroom floor, my legs splashing in the water. One more tug, and maybe it would just skip off.

"One, two, three," I count down then pull at the bottom of the dress. With a little snap, the dress released its hold on me. I get up quickly and scan my eyes over the entire dress, looking for the rip. On the right side of the waist, a small tear stretched over the dress.

"You have got to be kidding me," I sigh, throwing the dress to the ground. I step into the bath and instantly feel more relaxed. My eyelids were as heavy as bars of gold. Nothing could keep me awake and I quietly fell asleep, soaking in my lavender scented water.

An- so I have a lot of chapters I can post right now because I posted them on Quotev but forgot to post them on here. I'm really sorry for the long wait but look forward to the new chapters being posted now!-Paige

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