The Village

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          The village was lively as people fill the road, popping in and out of shops. Workers yell to their audience "Fresh fruit! Fresh fruit!" And "fine jewels from China". The villagers wore nice clothes, because this area was close to the palace. Still, some men and women in brown and grey rags moped in the shadows, ready to catch scraps that fall towards them.

I've always been sealed away somewhere, away from the adventures of the outside, whether is was my Aunt's home or the palace. It wasn't proper for ladies to play around in common places.

People glance my way, confusion on their face. They must recognize me from the festival. Some even bow to me as I pass them. I look back at Taehyung and Min Dae who followed closely behind me. Min Dae holds my child in a white cloth pressed to her chest, away from preying eyes.

"Lady, why don't we stop by this place here to get some sugar water, it's quite warm." Taehyung suggests as he points to a nearby cart with a large umbrella protecting his products.

"Ah yes!" I happily agree. It was the first time I had something to drink at a village.

When we go towards the cart, Taehyung takes the lead and asks for three cups of sugar water.

"That will be two mun." The old man behind the cart says. He stares at me for a second before pouring a clear liquid from a bowl into three tea cups.

I reach out for a cup and bring it to my lips. But before I could, Min Dae grabs my arm. "Lady, hold on a moment. It would be poisoned."

I realize she is right, though it is not likely. She takes a cup off the table and sips it. I wait for a moment to see if she has a reaction, but she shakes her head.

"Go ahead, My Lady," Taehyung says.

I nod and drink the sugar water. It was sweeter than I imagined but I didn't mind. After we finish, we keep walking through the street, away from the King's home. Strange glasses and jewels lay out on the ground on a blanket. They glisten as the sun rays play on their surface.

A beautiful green necklace with white beads catches my eye. The small jade in the middle was polished but still in a rough shape. I lean down to observe it better. The price is on a tag beside it: 4 mun.

"Are you interested in my fine jewels, miss?" A man sitting beside the blanket asks. His charcoal hair is tied up into a pony tail and he wears fine clothes. He didn't seem to recogize me, suggesting he just arrived in the village. "I'll cut you a deal, I am a gentleman after all."

Taehyung's eyes are like daggers as he watches the man. He is probably annoyed on how informal the man was being with me. The seller looks up to see the sergeant major standing behind me.

"Oh is this your women?" The man sneers.

"She is a lady, please show some respect." Taehyung stands his ground.

The man seems annoyed and holds out his hand, "That necklace is 4 mun."

Taehyung stuff the coins into the seller's hand and taps my should to signal for us to leave. I pick up the necklace carefully and follow Taehyung and Min Dae back into the crowded street. So much for the man being a gentleman.

After a moment of walking, Taehyung abruptly stops, leading me to almost run into him. "What is it?" I ask, but he doesn't answer and just stares ahead. I try to follow his gaze but there is too many people to pinpoint what he is looking at.

"They are in the village," Taehyung mutters. When I open my mouth to question him, he interjects, "we must go back."

I can't understand why he is suddenly wanting to leave but I know it is important for our safety so I do not protest. We will return to the palace, to my home, to the place I belong.

AN- sorry for the wait and the chapter being so short, I felt this was a good stopping point - Paige

The Royal Concubine (please read edited version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz