Tedious Ceremony

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          Guards surrounded the temple. The men, women, and children crowded around to see through the gaps and on to the royalty inside. Emperor Min was the first to kneel and bow to the gods at the cental gate. Only the spirit of Confucuis and his disciple may pass this gate. Seokjeon Daeje would be a marvellous festival surrounding this shrine.

The emperor stood up and bowed once again. He had prayed for the peace and well-being of his country. Then it was the time for the Queen and I to kneel before the central gate. I tried to slowly bend down without getting my large dress in the way. I looked over quickly to see if the Queen wasnt struggling and she was already on her knees.

Finally making it to the ground gracefully, I lowered my head and clapped my hands together in front of my chest. I began to pray about everything: the country's troubles, my own problems, the health of my child and the king.

Once we returned to the palanquin, we started our way around Seoul. The people cheered and called out to us. It was like we we're the gods.

The emperor seemed very pleases with crowds reaction. The queen also was in a good mood. I felt a little out of place, even though the praise wasn't directed towards me. It was like I was watching a beautiful play, and everyone around me was in it.

A man hoisted his young body on to his shoulders for a better look at His Majesty. The child flapped his arms in the air above him, calling over to Emperor Min.

"Emperor! Emperor!" The child yelled, trying to be heard over the loud crowd.

As the palanquin passed him, the emperor rasied his arm and waved at the young boy. I watched as the boy's face turned shocked and a glorious smile emerged. I turned to Yoongi, grinning. A glint in his eye reminded me of all his old worries. His hope was reborn and burned a brilliant flame.

"I won't let this country turn to ash and dust," the emperor spoke to the Queen and I.

This festival was supposed to bring life into the people and give a sense of nationalism, but it did not just stop their. The officals, guards, the queen, and the emperor found their humanity in this occasion.

I stumbled out of the palanquin at the palace gate. There was too many people inside the palace grounds for the large palanquin to rest. A maid quickly came to my side.

"Lady Hye-Rin, come with me to your room so we can clean you up to get ready for the banquet." She bowed.

I followed her back to my bedroom, going through a maze of people along the way. It must have been the company's staff running around. Two of my maids ran warm water in the bath while two more undressed me.

I look at my bare shoulder to the mark of the flower that was painted on. It still looked flawless. A young maid wrapped a cloth around the mark so that it will stay undamaged after I get cleaned up. I dip my feet in the bath and let a maid wash my body with a red cloth. It felt nice to get cleaned after a long day in the sun.


"It is as I have heard."

"There really is two queens!"

Everyone was already pulled into the dinning room once Yoongi, the queen, and I made our entrance. The emperor invited the governors, the Buyoons, the Moksas, the Gunsus, the Hyeongryeongs, and the Hyeonggams. His more important guests were some of the royalty and officials from China.

The Queen and I sat down in the seats on either side of Emperor Min. He stayed standing, listening to the peoples' confusion. He raises his right arm in the air, everyone begins to quiet down.

"My good friends," he announces loudly, "I have only been your King for such a short time. But that does not mean I am inexperienced as a leader. Our country will only succeed from this point one, and I need your full loyalty. Yes, this is only the beginning."

The emperor puts a hand on my shoulder, "My concubine is pregnant with my heir, the future leader of this country. Now eat and drink, tonight we celebrate our country!"

The people raises up their wine glasses, cheering and yelling, with smiles on their faces. Yoongi was pleased with his speech and sat down. Our small but elegant table was centered on the front of the room. Five longer tables, facing the opposite way, filled the rest of the space. Maids and servers lined the walls, waiting to be called upon.

"I was starting to get tired of people thinking out loud, I'm glad it's sorted out." The Queen sighs.

"It was quite unnerving." I laugh.

I look at my food that has been already laid out for us. Everyone has begun to eat, enjoying every bite. Sadly, I felt nauseous due to my pregnancy. I didn't want to loose strength, so I cut a bit of my steak and ate it. I urge myself to keep the food down.

"Hye-Rin, are you feeling sick?" The king asked in worry.

"I'll be fine," I said.

"No, why don't you rest in the morning room until you feel better," the Queen said sternly.

I looked at my dinner for a while before getting up, "I'll be back soon."

I exit the room from the a door just behind our table. None of the guests seem to notice my leave. Closing the door behind me, I felt I could breath again. The loud room didn't help my sickness.

"Excuse me, your highness, you don't look good, can I see you to a quiet room?" A server asks. The tall man outstretched his muscular arm in the direction of the morning room, where tea is sometimes served.

He thought I was the Queen, but I didn't mind, I just wanted to sit down and relax, "Please do."

The door to the morning room wasn't far down the long hallway. The glass window of the door had a thick red curtin streched over it on the inside. The server pulled open the door, revealing an empty room, as expected.

But from the corner of my eye, another figured stood inside the room in my blind spot. Quickly, his hand, holding a cloth, clasped on my mouth. All the memories of Taewongun's plan pounded in my head. I raises my leg and kicked at the man's chest. The "server" behind me wrapped his large arms around my waist as the other man stumbled back a few inches.

"Help! He-" The server's hand pressed hard on my mouth. The man with the cloth returned, placing the smelly thing on my nose.

"Are you sure this one is the Queen?" The man asked his companion.

"Hmn ott," I tried to shout against his hand.

"Sure she is," the server growled.

Using all of my strength, I elbowed the server in the stomach and then punched the other man in the face. A sharp pain flares in my hand but the adrenalin outnumbers it.

"I'm not the Queen!" I yell at them, tears stinging my eyes.

"Guards! Lady Hye-Rin is being assulted!" I familiar voice shouts.

The two men shove me to get out of their way and burst out of the room. I lay on the floor, shaking. My emotions running at full speed, heavy tears fall from my eyes. I can barely see as the Queen rushes into the room to my side.

"The guards will catch them. You're safe. You're safe," she speaks softly.

Taehyung follows her in, worry stricken, "I'll get someone to take you both back to your rooms, stay here."

I wouldn't be able to move anyway. My legs are numb, so is my right hand.

She heard, I know she did. The queen knew they wanted her, not me. It was written all over her face.

I raise up my left hand and rest it on her head, "we're safe now."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed and keep up with your great comments 😄

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